Neuroimaging clinics of North America
Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am. · Nov 2017
ReviewApplications of Resting-State Functional Connectivity to Neurodegenerative Disease.
Neurodegenerative diseases target specific large-scale neuronal networks, leading to distinct behavioral and cognitive dysfunctions. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMR imaging)-based functional connectivity method maps symptoms-associated functional network deterioration in vivo. ⋯ Understanding of disease mechanism can further guide early detection and predictions of disease progression and inform development of more effective treatment. With better clinical phenotyping and larger samples across multiple sites, we discuss several possible future directions to further develop rsfMR imaging-based functional connectivity methods into scientifically and clinically useful assays for neurodegenerative disorders.
Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am. · Nov 2017
ReviewApplications of Resting State Functional MR Imaging to Neuropsychiatric Diseases.
Resting state studies in neuropsychiatric disorders have already provided much useful information, but the field is regarded as being at a relatively preliminary stage and subject to several design issues that set limits on the overall utility.
Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am. · Nov 2017
ReviewGraph Theoretic Analysis of Resting State Functional MR Imaging.
Graph theoretic analyses applied to examine the brain at rest have played a critical role in clarifying the foundations of the brain's intrinsic and task-related activity. There are many opportunities for clinical scientists to describe and predict dysfunction using a network perspective. ⋯ Major practices, concepts, and findings are concisely reviewed. The theoretic and practical frontiers of resting state functional MR imaging are highlighted with observations about major avenues for conceptual advances and clinical translation.
Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am. · Nov 2017
ReviewMethods and Considerations for Dynamic Analysis of Functional MR Imaging Data.
Functional MR imaging (fMR imaging) studies have recently begun to examine spontaneous changes in interregional interactions (functional connectivity) over seconds to minutes, and their relation to natural shifts in cognitive and physiologic states. This practice opens the potential for uncovering structured, transient configurations of coordinated brain activity whose features may provide novel cognitive and clinical biomarkers. However, analysis of these time-varying phenomena requires careful differentiation between neural and nonneural contributions to the fMR imaging signal and thorough validation and statistical testing. In this article, the authors present an overview of methodological and interpretational considerations in this emerging field.
Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am. · Aug 2017
ReviewDual-Energy Computed Tomographic Applications for Differentiation of Intracranial Hemorrhage, Calcium, and Iodine.
This article reviews the physical principles of dual-energy material decomposition and its current implementation. Clinical applications of dual-energy material decomposition including differentiation of calcification from hemorrhage and iodinated contrast from hemorrhage are highlighted, and their applications to neuroimaging are reviewed.