European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society
There is a paucity of literature identifying factors that influence the back and neck pain (BNP)-workplace absenteeism relationship. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the association between BNP and workplace absenteeism and potential mediating variables in a large sample of the US population. ⋯ Workplace interventions focusing on the management of BNP and overcoming difficulties in walking, standing, and sitting, potentially utilizing exercise, therapy, and ergonomic interventions, may prevent absenteeism.
There is a paucity of studies on new vertebral body tethering (VBT) surgical constructs especially regarding their potentially motion-preserving ability. This study analyses their effects on the ROM of the spine. ⋯ The investigated VBT techniques preserved global ROM of the spine in flexion-extension and axial rotation while reduced the ROM in lateral bending.
The Fremantle back awareness questionnaire (FreBAQ) was recently developed as simple and quick tool to assess back-specific body perception in Low back pain (LBP) patients. The aim of the present study was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Fremantle back awareness questionnaire (FreBAQ) into a Simplified Chinese version (FreBAQ-C), and evaluate the reliability and validity of the FreBAQ-C in patients with non-specific Chronic Low back pain (CLBP). ⋯ The FreBAQ-C was demonstrated to have acceptable reliability and validity for patients with non-specific CLBP in Chinese mainland. It will allow evaluating body preception of the back in the Chinese population with CLBP.
To assess the intra- and inter-observer reliability of the novel vertebral bone quality (VBQ) scoring system. ⋯ VBQ scores from spine lumbar MRIs demonstrate excellent intra-observer and inter-observer reliability. These scores are reliably reproduced in patients regardless of previous instrumentation, spinal pathology, or MRI manufacturer/magnetic field strength.
Vertebral body tethering (VBT) has shown promising results but also a high tether breakage rate, which has been reported in up to 48% of patients. Tether breakages can lead to loss of correction, and the most used definition for tether breakage is a loss of segmental correction of > 5°. However, there may also be some breakages that do not have a negative influence on curve correction. Analyzing the real breakage rate was the aim of this study. ⋯ By using the > 5° rule, only 56% of the tether breakages could be diagnosed. On the other hand, many tether breakages will not result in a loss of correction.