European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society
Patients with neuromuscular scoliosis are at increased risk of neurological deficit post-operatively, but are a difficult population on whom to perform neurophysiological monitoring. We look here at a 7-year sample of our practice in the monitoring of neuromuscular patients. ⋯ The two patients with observable deficit had their instrumentation left in situ after discussion with them and/or parents. Spinal cord monitoring in this population is possible but potentially unreliable. Surgeons will need to carefully consider the use of monitoring in their management of this challenging population.
The choice of anterior instrumentation in the treatment of lumbar scoliosis in adolescents and young adults is not a new topic for the authors. The first results achieved using the Dwyer surgical modality were reported by one of the authors followed by the results achieved using Zielke (VDS) instrumentation. Today, new techniques and new instrumentations have been developed that challenge the instrumentation choices. Here we describe how the new system of classification of scoliotic curves we developed has been used as a basis for treating idiopathic scoliosis in lumbar area in adolescents and young adults using an anterior approach. ⋯ Anterior instrumentation of lumbar idiopathic scoliosis gives highly satisfactory morphological and functional results, since the lumbar musculature is spared and the instrumentation placed at the apex of the curvature has selective effects. Despite our preference and that of other surgeons throughout the world for anterior instrumentation, we are still a minority in comparison with the users of posterior instrumentation. There are several reasons for this reticence, including surgeons' training and ideas about pedicular screw fixation, but the main reason has been the lack of a sufficiently exact system of classification. Previous comparative studies between the anterior and posterior approaches have been biased by the use of an excessively restrictive mode of classification (lumbar/thoracolumbar) of the curves. Real lumbar scoliosis, unbalanced thoracolumbar scoliosis and thoracic and lumbar double curve (lumbar predominant) scoliosis should be properly defined before being compared.
Obtaining a fusion, especially to the sacrum for adult deformity correction remains a challenge. Prior to modern fixation techniques, the reported fusion rates for adult scoliotic deformities were low. However sacropelvic fixation techniques for adult deformity continue to evolve. As a result, modern day pelvic fixation techniques have improved fusion rates at the base of long constructs. The purpose of this article is to discuss the history, indications, and modern fixation techniques for pelvic fixation in the surgical management of adult scoliosis patients. ⋯ There is growing evidence that pelvic fixation may become the standard for obtaining long fusions in adult scoliosis. Although technically challenging, in selected cases the use of four pelvic screws and/or four rods across the lumbosacral pelvis can help address pseudarthroses, implant breakage, and screw pullout secondary to osteoporosis. Ultimately, indications and techniques should be individualized to the patient and based on surgeon preference and experience.
The association of scoliosis and spondylolisthesis is well documented in literature; the nature and modalities of the relationship of the two pathologies are variable and not always clear. Also, etiologic particulars of scoliosis associated with spondylolisthesis are not well defined, even in cases where scoliosis is called idiopathic. In this paper, we review previous literature and discuss the different aspects of the mutual relationship of scoliosis and spondylolisthesis in the adolescent age. ⋯ Scoliosis should be considered as an independent disease; only in the case of scoliosis curve progression over time, associated scoliosis must be treated, according to therapeutic principles of the care of any so-called idiopathic scoliosis of similar magnitude, and a similar approach must be applied in the case of spondylolisthesis progression or painful spondylolisthesis.