European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society
Treatment selection for idiopathic scoliosis is informed by the risk of curve progression. Previous models predicting curve progression lacked validation, did not include the full growth/severity spectrum or included treated patients. The objective was to develop and validate models to predict future curve angles using clinical data collected only at, or both at and prior to, an initial specialist consultation in idiopathic scoliosis. ⋯ The models can help clinicians predict how much curves would progress without treatment at future timepoints of their choice using simple variables. Predictions can inform treatment prescription or show families why no treatment is recommended. The nonlinear effects of time account for the rapid increase in curve angle at the beginning of growth and the slowed progression after maturity. These validated models predicted future Cobb angle with good accuracy in untreated idiopathic scoliosis over the full growth spectrum.
Sagittal spinal malalignment often leads to surgical realignment, which is associated with major complications. Low bone mineral density (BMD) and impaired bone microstructure are risk factors for instrumentation failure. This study aims to demonstrate differences in volumetric BMD and bone microstructure between normal and pathological sagittal alignment and to determine the relationships among vBMD, microstructure, sagittal spinal and spinopelvic alignment. ⋯ Sagittal malalignment is associated with lower lumbar vBMD and trabecular microstructure. Lumbar vBMD was significantly lower in patients with malalignment. These findings warrant attention, as malalignment patients may be at a higher risk of surgery-related complications due to impaired bone. Standardized preoperative assessment of vBMD may be advisable.
The AO Spine PROST (Patient Reported Outcome Spine Trauma) was developed for people with spine trauma and minor or no neurological impairment. The purpose is to investigate health professionals' perspective on the applicability of the AO Spine PROST for people with motor-complete traumatic or non-traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI), using a discussion meeting and international survey study. ⋯ Health professionals found the AO Spine PROST generally applicable for people with motor-complete traumatic or non-traumatic SCI. This study provides further evidence for the use of the AO Spine PROST in spine trauma care, rehabilitation and research, as well as suggestions for its further development.
Robotic-assisted spine surgery is an emerging field that is growing in utilization. Intraoperative robotic surgical units cost upwards of $600,000 for medical facilities to purchase. Despite significant cost barriers, these devices are highly marketable for hospitals and physicians. ⋯ Robotic-assisted lumbar fusion is on the rise. Patients who had private insurance, were diagnosed with spondylolisthesis, and who had lumbar fusion via the anterior approach were more likely to undergo lumbar fusion using robotic assistance.
In this work, a two-center study was performed to study the clinical presentation of cervical spine fractures in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients and assess the surgical management of these fractures. ⋯ High suspicion of cervical spine fractures is necessary for patients with AS. CT and MRI images are necessary to rule out cervical spine fractures in AS patients, especially to detect occult fractures. Surgical treatment is safe, and the posterior approach with long-segment fusion is the approach of choice in this group of patients.