Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society
The most recent articles from:
Acupunct Med
Randomized Controlled Trial
Association of pre- and post-treatment expectations with improvements after acupuncture in patients with migraine.
To study whether a higher expectation of acupuncture measured at baseline and after acupuncture is associated with better outcome improvements in patients with migraine. ⋯ NCT00599586.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Investigation into the effects of using two or four acupuncture needles with bidirectional rotation on experimentally-induced contact heat pain in healthy subjects.
There is growing evidence from experimental studies that the acupuncture dose or technique influences the speed of onset of hypoalgesia. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acupuncture using two or four needles on experimental contact thermal pain in healthy volunteers. ⋯ There is tentative evidence that four needles may be superior to two needles in generating rapid onset hypoalgesia. The findings suggest that further investigation is warranted.