Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society
To evaluate the feasibility of delivering acupuncture in an emergency department (ED) to patients presenting with pain and/or nausea. ⋯ Acupuncture in the ED appears safe and acceptable for patients with pain and/or nausea. Results suggest combined care may provide effective pain and nausea relief in ED patients. Further high-quality, sufficiently powered randomised studies evaluating the cost-effectiveness and efficacy of the add-on effect of acupuncture are recommended.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Acupuncture for acute non-specific low back pain: a randomised, controlled, double-blind, placebo trial.
To assess the efficacy of Yamamoto's acupuncture method on pain, drug intake, functional capacity and quality of life for the treatment of acute non-specific low back pain (ANLBP). ⋯ NCT 01124955.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Low-dose laser acupuncture for non-specific chronic low back pain: a double-blind randomised controlled trial.
To determine if infrared laser acupuncture (LA) may have a specific effect in reducing pain and disability in treatment of chronic low back pain (LBP). ⋯ LA using energy density range (0-4 J/cm(2)) for the treatment of chronic non-specific LBP resulted in clinical improvement unrelated to laser stimulation.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Ondansetron combined with ST36 (Zusanli) acupuncture point injection for postoperative vomiting.
Ondansetron, sometimes combined with acustimulation at PC6 (Neiguan), is commonly used for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting, but PC6 is not the only point that can be used for this purpose. ⋯ Ondansetron, acupuncture, and ondansetron and acupuncture combined are effective prophylaxis for POV.