The Australian journal of rural health
Aust J Rural Health · Dec 2008
Critical health infrastructure for refugee resettlement in rural Australia: case study of four rural towns.
To explore the reported impact of regional resettlement of refugees on rural health services, and identify critical health infrastructure for refugee resettlement. ⋯ The difficulties experienced by rural Australia in securing equitable access to health services are amplified for refugees. While there are economic arguments about resettlement of refugees in regional Australia, the fragility of health services in regional Australia should also be factored into considerations about which towns are best suited to regional resettlement.
Aust J Rural Health · Oct 2008
The oral health status and treatment needs of Indigenous adults in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
The oral health of Indigenous Australians, whether urban or rural, is significantly poorer than their non-Indigenous counterparts, and it would be expected that the oral health of rural and remote Indigenous Australians would be particularly poor, although the extent of this extra disadvantage has not been thoroughly documented. The aim of this study was to assess the oral health status and oral health needs in a sample of adult residents of selected towns and remote communities in the Kimberley region of North-west Australia. ⋯ The oral health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are listed as one of the priority areas of Australia's National Oral Health Plan. Based on the above results, oral health is clearly an important priority in the Kimberley.
Aust J Rural Health · Jul 2008
Public support for anti-smoking legislation varies with smoking status.
Rural Australians have higher rates of smoking than their urban counterparts, contributing to poorer health outcomes. In 2004, the Queensland Government introduced legislation to reduce the impact of environmental tobacco smoke on the community. The aims of the study were to describe smoking behaviours and associations between smoking behaviour and agreement with current anti-smoking laws. ⋯ The gradual implementation of the anti-smoking legislation is changing social beliefs on what are acceptable smoking practices. It is likely that the legislation within Queensland and the subsequent forced changes in social conditions for smokers will continue to reduce the number of people smoking and reduce exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
Aust J Rural Health · Jun 2008
Community perception of childhood drowning and its prevention measures in rural Bangladesh: a qualitative study.
To gain an in-depth understanding of people's perception of causes and their concepts of prevention of childhood drowning in rural Bangladesh. ⋯ People interviewed in general know the causes of childhood drowning and its preventive measures, but they do not put their knowledge into preventative actions as they fail to recognise this as a major child survival issue and they are never reached with definite actions points to change the behaviours.
Aust J Rural Health · Jun 2008
Partnerships to promote mental health of NSW farmers: the New South Wales Farmers Blueprint for Mental Health.
To describe the process and outcome of development of a framework for planning and implementation of a range of interventions aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of farmers and farm families in New South Wales (NSW). ⋯ It is suggested that the NSW Farm Blueprint and the activities being implemented by the NSW Farmers Mental Health Network partners represent a model for implementation of a mental health promotion in identified at-risk Australian populations.