Health & social care in the community
Health Soc Care Community · Sep 2001
Methodological issues in the development of a national database for primary care groups and trusts.
At the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre (NPCRDC) we have constructed a national database for all primary care groups (PCGs) in England. At its core, the database links information about population socio-economic and demographic characteristics to generic health status and to the organisation, resourcing and activities of general practice. In this paper we describe and discuss the problems with linking these data, and with defining the boundaries and the local populations of PCGs, given that they have been established on the basis of administrative expediency rather than geographical coherence. We then consider the implications of these difficulties for needs assessment in primary care groups.
Health Soc Care Community · Sep 2001
Socio-economic and locational determinants of accessibility and utilization of primary health-care.
Differences in levels of utilization vary and are a function of socio-economic and geographical factors. This paper presents the results of a questionnaire study involving twelve GP practices in Northamptonshire, UK, of factors which affect access and utilization in asthmatics and diabetics; these groups were selected to control for differences in utilization behaviour, as a result of different aetiologies. The questionnaire sought data on: residential location of patients, utilization characteristics of primary health-care, personal circumstances and mobility and hindrances to access and utilization. ⋯ However, accessibility and utilization vary greatly in response to mobility and locational characteristics; these variations tend to be masked by data on overall rates of usage. Optimal scaling techniques were used to investigate the interactions between the factors affecting accessibility and utilization, and to characterize patients in terms of their levels of utilization. Results confirmed that current service provision afforded a differential level of service to patients, which does not directly reflect their level of need.
Health Soc Care Community · Jul 2001
Comparative StudyNeeds of carers of severely disabled people: are they identified and met adequately?
To examine the unmet needs of informal carers of community dwelling disabled people and to compare their perspectives to those of disabled people and nominated professionals. It was hypothesised that a poor recognition of carers' needs could have implications for carers' well- being and thus their ability to maintain their caring role. Need was defined as a service or a resource that would confer a health or rehabilitation gain. ⋯ In line with recent legislation, carers' needs must be independently addressed and services, especially for flexible community support such as short break services, must be developed specifically to meet the needs of carers. Further research is warranted to evaluate whether recent legislation for carers has any effect on carers' well-being and ability to cope with their caring role.
Health Soc Care Community · Jul 2001
Comparative StudyBeing a parent of an adult son or daughter with severe mental illness receiving professional care: parents' narratives.
The aim of this study was to illuminate the meaning of parental care-giving with reference to having an adult son or daughter with severe mental illness living in a care setting. The parents were asked to narrate their relationship to offspring in the past, in the present, and their thoughts and feelings concerning the future. The study was guided by a phenomenological hermeneutic perspective. ⋯ Experiences of stigma were interpreted from the way of labelling illness, narrated experiences of shame and relations with the public and mental health professionals. Parents' persisting in the care-giving role, striving to look after themselves and expressing hopes for the future were interpreted as a process of coming to terms with difficulties. Results suggest that mental health professionals need to be aware of their own attitudes and treatment of families, improve their cooperation with, and support to families, and provide opportunities for family members to meet one another.
Health Soc Care Community · May 2001
ReviewA policy analysis of the Expert Patient in the United Kingdom: self-care as an expression of pastoral power?
The rise in chronic illness and comorbidity in Western society has resulted in an increasing emphasis on self-care initiatives. In the United Kingdom this is exemplified by the Expert Patient policy. This paper discusses the Expert Patient initiative as an example of the State's third way approach to public health. ⋯ The paper argues that the Expert Patient initiative is unlikely to reconstruct chronic illness and may further complicate the State's responsibility in meeting the needs of those with chronic illness. Issues of power within self-care are explored to illuminate the policy, and this paper argues that the Expert Patient initiative is an example of Foucault's notion of pastoral power. Although the Expert Patient policy focuses on the rights and responsibilities of those with chronic illness, this paper concludes that there is no corresponding strategy to challenge professionals' assumptions toward those with chronic illness.