The American surgeon
The American surgeon · Oct 2008
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyManagement of high-grade splenic injury in children.
Using the National Trauma Databank, we identified 413 children (age < or = 14 years) who sustained high-grade blunt splenic injury (Abbreviated Injury Scale scores > or = 4) from 2001 to 2005. Overall mortality was 13.5 per cent. Early operation within 6 hours of injury (EOM) was performed in 128 patients (31%). ⋯ Failure of NOM was associated with increased mortality compared with successful NOM, but had similar mortality and length of hospital or intensive care unit stay compared with EOM. We conclude that operative treatment is necessary in nearly half of pediatric patients with high-grade splenic injury. With careful selection, nonoperative management is usually successful but must include close monitoring, because 16 per cent required delayed operation.
The American surgeon · Oct 2008
Comparative StudyThromboembolic prophylaxis in blunt traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: a retrospective review.
There are few data in the literature on venous thromboembolic (VTE) prophylaxis for the traumatic population with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). We reviewed our institutional experience and compared the incidence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients with ICH receiving either early prophylaxis (< 72 hours from admission) or late prophylaxis (> 72 hours from admission), and the respective incidences in progression of intracranial hemorrhage. We identified 124 patients for this study. ⋯ Three patients with pharmacological VTE prophylaxis developed ICH progression, with one being clinically significant. Our institutional review demonstrated that it seems safe to initiate early pharmacological VTE prophylaxis in blunt head trauma with stable ICH. Nevertheless, further prospective randomized studies are needed to fully elucidate the safety and efficacy in the timing of prophylaxis for blunt head trauma with ICH.
The American surgeon · Oct 2008
Comparative StudyTissue oxygen saturation predicts the need for early blood transfusion in trauma patients.
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been used to measure regional tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) in skeletal muscle as an indicator of perfusion in trauma patients. In an effort to prospectively examine the usefulness of StO2 in identifying trauma patients in hemorrhagic shock, we evaluated the need for blood transfusion within 24 hours of injury as a marker of significant hemorrhage. A 6-month prospective, observational study was conducted at a university-affiliated, urban Level I trauma center using a convenience sample of 26 trauma patients thought to be at high risk for hemorrhagic shock. ⋯ The positive predictive value was 64 per cent and the negative predictive value was 93 per cent. The need for blood transfusion within 24 hours of arrival was not predicted by hypotension, tachycardia, arterial lactate, base deficit, or hemoglobin. StO2 may represent an important screening tool for identifying trauma patients who require blood transfusion or other limited medical resources.
The American surgeon · Oct 2008
Comparative StudyCan computed tomography scan be performed effectively in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis without the added morbidity of rectal contrast?
The highest degrees of accuracy have been demonstrated for CT scans using rectal contrast in diagnosing appendicitis. However, the administration of rectal contrast is associated with patient discomfort and rarely, rectosigmoid perforation (0.04%). Additionally, the commonly accepted negative appendectomy rate is around 16 per cent. ⋯ Two hundred and forty-five inpatient CT scans were performed for suspected appendicitis with a sensitivity of 90 per cent, specificity of 98 per cent, accuracy of 94 per cent, positive predictive value of 98 per cent, and negative predictive value of 91 per cent. CT scanning without rectal contrast is effective for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis making rectal contrast, with its attendant morbidity, unnecessary. The previously acceptable published negative appendectomy rate is higher than that found in current surgical practice likely due to preoperative CT scanning.
The American surgeon · Oct 2008
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyChanging paradigms in breast cancer management: introducing molecular genetics into the treatment algorithm.
Advances in molecular genetics aimed at individualizing breast cancer treatment have been validated. We examined the use of gene assays predictive of distant recurrence in breast cancer and their impact on adjuvant treatment. A retrospective chart review of 58 T1/T2, node-negative, estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer patients that underwent Oncotype DX gene assay testing between January and December 2006 was performed. ⋯ The recurrence score increased the number of patients classified as low risk of recurrence by 12 per cent and downstaged 63 per cent of high-risk patients (P < 0.003). Gene assay results changed management in 15 of 58 (26%) patients (P < 0.05). The use of gene assays allowed us to better tailor treatment in a significant number of our patients.