Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Intra-ocular pressure changes following laryngeal mask airway insertion: a comparative study.
We compared the effects of the Brain laryngeal mask airway with a tracheal tube on intra-ocular pressure. Propofol was used as induction agent and atracurium as relaxant. Twenty-six patients with normal intra-ocular pressure undergoing cataract surgery were randomly allocated to two groups. ⋯ In the laryngeal mask airway group there were no significant changes in mean intra-ocular pressure. In the tracheal tube group there was a significant rise in mean intra-ocular pressure at 20 s (p = 0.0056) which returned to pre-insertion levels at 2 min. We conclude that the laryngeal mask airway continues to have advantages over the tracheal tube for ophthalmic surgery despite the use of propofol and atracurium as anaesthetic agents.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Dreams, images and emotions associated with propofol anaesthesia.
One hundred and twelve patients scheduled for day case varicose vein surgery were randomly allocated to one of three groups: total intravenous anaesthesia with propofol, propofol induction followed by inhalational anaesthesia with nitrous oxide and isoflurane or thiopentone induction followed by inhalational anaesthesia with nitrous oxide and isoflurane. Assessments were made in the recovery room of the incidence of dreaming, the content of the dreams and the emotional status of the patients. ⋯ However, despite the large number of case reports of sexual imagery following propofol anaesthesia and despite the two groups who had received propofol experiencing significantly greater happiness upon recovery than the thiopentone group, there were no appreciable differences in the sexual content of the dreams. Each group had only a small number of dreams even remotely related to sex.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Ease of insertion of the laryngeal mask airway by inexperienced personnel when using an introducer.
The Portex introducer for the laryngeal mask airway was designed as an aid to successful insertion, acting as an idealised 'artificial hard palate' to guide the tip of the laryngeal mask into the correct position. A number of authors have investigated laryngeal mask insertion by unskilled personnel in certain situations, one example being nurses during in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We investigated whether the introducer had any effect on the incidence of first-time successful LMA placement by unskilled personnel. ⋯ In 44 patients with the LMA being inserted according to the manufacturer's instructions, there was a 68% success rate (14 failures). In 45 patients with the LMA being inserted with the aid of a Portex introducer, there was a 96% success rate (two failures). This was a highly significant improvement (p < 0.001).
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Detection of accidental oesophageal intubation. Role of the anaesthetic assistant.
Three situations in which an anaesthetic assistant might be able to detect accidental oesophageal intubation during or immediately after intubation were assessed. These were: firstly, whilst applying cricoid pressure, secondly, whilst applying gentle palpation over the trachea just above the suprasternal notch and, thirdly, after intubation by means of a 'roll test'. During cricoid pressure, tracheal intubation was correctly diagnosed in all of 10 cases. ⋯ In the 'roll test', two out of 10 tracheal and five out of 10 oesophageal intubations were misdiagnosed. In conclusion, no method could be relied on entirely and may indeed give false reassurance. Nonetheless, any doubt expressed about the tracheal tube position by the assistant should be taken seriously and a careful check made.
A simple automatic device to inflate the tracheal tube cuff during emergency tracheal intubation is described. It was tested in 60 patients undergoing elective surgery and found to be a useful and efficient adjunct.