Review Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis on the effect of dopexamine on in-hospital mortality.
The objective of the study was to determine whether dopexamine alters in-hospital mortality. The following databases were searched, Embase (1974-July 2007), Medline (1950-July 2007), CINAHL, PubMed and Cochrane Clinical Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). ⋯ Mortality was not significantly different with dopexamine treatment (relative risk 0.75, 95% confidence interval 0.48-1.18, p = 0.22). In conclusion, dopexamine does not improve in-hospital mortality in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery and in the critically ill.
Review Meta Analysis
Risks and side-effects of intrathecal morphine combined with spinal anaesthesia: a meta-analysis.
Intrathecal morphine is often used for postoperative analgesia after surgery. We performed a meta-analysis to obtain more detailed information on the frequency of side-effects in patients receiving intrathecal morphine in combination with spinal anaesthesia compared with placebo treated patients. We clustered the analysis to patients receiving placebo, less than morphine 0.3 mg (M < 0.3), or equal to or more than morphine 0.3 mg (M > or = 0.3) and calculated the risk ratios of morphine vs placebo. ⋯ However, the higher dose of intrathecal morphine was associated with more episodes of respiratory depression (7/80) compared with the lower dose (2/247). Intrathecal morphine is associated with a mild increase in side-effects. With a dose < 0.3 mg we found there were no more episodes of respiratory depression than in placebo patients who received systemic opioid analgesia.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Influence of promethazine on cardiac repolarisation: a double-blind, midazolam-controlled study.
Drugs used in anaesthesia may provoke torsadogenic changes in cardiac repolarisation. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of promethazine on the parameters of ventricular repolarisation: QTc interval and transmural dispersion of repolarisation. Forty patients were randomly allocated to receive promethazine (25 mg) or midazolam (2.5 mg). ⋯ Significant prolongation of QT interval, corrected with both formulae, was detected in patients receiving promethazine, while no change in the QTc value was observed in the midazolam group. There were no significant differences in T(peak)-T(end) time either between or within the groups. In conclusion, promethazine induces significant QTc prolongation but the lack of influence on transmural dispersion of repolarisation makes the risk of its torsadogenic action very low.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
A randomised crossover trial comparing the i-gel supraglottic airway and classic laryngeal mask airway.
In a randomised cross-over study, we compared the performance of the single use i-gel supraglottic airway and reusable classic laryngeal mask airway (cLMA) in 50 healthy anaesthetised patients who were breathing spontaneously. Primary outcome was successful insertion at first attempt. Secondary outcomes included overall insertion success rate, ease of insertion, leak pressure and fibreoptic position. ⋯ The fibreoptic view through the device was significantly better with the i-gel than the cLMA, which was statistically significant (p = 0.03). We conclude that, with its current sizing recommendations, the i-gel is not an acceptable alternative to cLMA. However because of the significantly improved success rate after a larger sized i-gel was used, we recommend the manufacturer to review the sizing guidelines to improve the success rate.