Observational Study
Effect of a lateral infraclavicular brachial plexus block on the axillary and suprascapular nerves as determined by electromyography - a cohort study.
We aimed to examine to what extent a lateral infraclavicular brachial plexus block affected the axillary and the suprascapular nerve. We included patients undergoing hand surgery anaesthetised with a lateral infraclavicular brachial plexus block. Our primary outcome was the relative change in surface electromyography during maximum voluntary isometric contraction of the medial deltoid muscle (axillary nerve) and the infraspinatus muscle (suprascapular nerve) from baseline to 30 min after the block procedure. ⋯ Our results suggest that a lateral infraclavicular block provides block of the axillary nerve comparable to the block of the surgical target nerves. The suprascapular nerve is blocked to a lesser degree. Combining a lateral infraclavicular brachial plexus block with a selective suprascapular block for shoulder surgery warrants further studies.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
A multicentre prospective cohort study of the accuracy of conventional landmark technique for cricoid localisation using ultrasound scanning.
Cricoid pressure is employed during rapid sequence induction to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration. Correct application of cricoid pressure depends on knowledge of neck anatomy and precise identification of surface landmarks. Inaccurate localisation of the cricoid cartilage during rapid sequence induction risks incomplete oesophageal occlusion, with potential for pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents. ⋯ There were also no significant differences in error between male and female patients. Identification of cricoid position using a landmark technique has a high degree of variability and has little correlation with age, sex or body mass index. These findings have significant implications for the safe application of cricoid pressure in the context of rapid sequence induction.
Review Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of local vs. general anaesthesia for carotid endarterectomy.
Controversy exists regarding the best choice of anaesthesia for carotid endarterectomy. We aimed to evaluate the peri-operative outcomes of local vs. general anaesthesia for carotid endarterectomy. We conducted a systematic search of electronic information sources and applied a combination of free text and controlled vocabulary searches adapted to thesaurus headings, search operators and limits in each of the electronic databases. ⋯ On trial sequential analysis of the randomised trials, the Z-curve did not cross the α-spending boundaries or futility boundaries for stroke, mortality and transient ischaemic attack, suggesting that more trials are needed to reach conclusive results. Our meta-analysis of observational studies suggests that local anaesthesia for carotid endarterectomy may be associated with lower peri-operative morbidity and mortality compared with general anaesthesia. Although randomised studies have not confirmed any advantage for local anaesthesia, this may be due to a lack of pooled statistical power in these trials.
Comparative Study
Comparison of injectate spread and nerve involvement between retrolaminar and erector spinae plane blocks in the thoracic region: a cadaveric study.
Although different injection locations for retrolaminar and erector spinae plane blocks have been described, the two procedures have a similar anatomical basis. In this cadaveric study we compared anatomical spread of dye in the thoracic region following these two procedures. Following randomisation, 10 retrolaminar blocks and 10 erector spinae plane blocks were performed on the left or right sides of 10 unembalmed cadavers. ⋯ The number of stained thoracic spinal nerves was greater with erector spinae plane blocks than with retrolaminar blocks; median 2.0 and 3.5, respectively. Regardless of technique, the main route of dye spread was through the superior costotransverse ligament to the ipsilateral paravertebral space. Although erector spinae plane blocks were associated with a slightly larger number of stained thoracic spinal nerves than retrolaminar blocks, both techniques were consistently associated with posterior spread of dye and with limited spread to the paravertebral space.