Der Anaesthesist
The safety of blood and blood components is an important aspect of transfusion medicine. Even if absolute safety of blood products cannot be achieved, this goal has come closer due to significant improvements. These include: (1) exact donor registration; (2) component preparation according to legal requirements and GMP guidelines; (3) determination of all relevant diagnostic parameters according to GMP/GLP guidelines; (4) adequate storage of products; and (5) and often underestimated parameter ensuring safety, strict guidelines for the use of blood products in the treatment of patients. Some of the results of the first Graz Consensus Conference on Transfusion Medicine are presented.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
[CO2 stores in laparoscopic cholecystectomy with CO2 pneumoperitoneum].
Two groups of 22 patients each were studied in a prospective, randomised fashion during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCh) and CO2 pneumoperitoneum (PP) with regard to end-tidal and arterial PCO2 and pulmonary elimination of CO2 (ECO2, Servoventilator with integrated CO2-analyser 930, Siemens). In group 1 minute ventilation was kept constant, resulting in moderate hypercapnia during PP. paCO2 increased by about 10 mmHg during up to 50 min PP. In group 2 paCO2 was kept constant by a stepwise increase in minute ventilation (Fig. 1, Table 2). ⋯ Assuming a stable metabolic CO2 production rate during the observation period and no differences in CO2 absorption from the PP between the two study groups, differences in ECO2 between groups would be a measure of CO2 stored in group 1 patients during the increase in paCO2 with PP (Fig. 3, Table 3). CO2 storage rapidly increased between 0 and 15 min PP, more or less reached a plateau between 15 and 35 min PP, and ceased at 45 min PP. Storing capacity for CO2 during the first 45 min PP amounted to a mean value of 1.20 ml CO2/kg body weight and mmHg paCO2, which agrees favourably with data from the literature and a computer model from Fahri and Rahn published in 1960 (Fig. 4, Table 4). If during LCh with CO2-PP patients are ventilated with a constant minute ventilation, a moderate increase in paCO2 of about 10 mm Hg can be expected. In this case, during the first 45 min PP a 70-kg patient will retain about 1000 ml CO2 in blood and tissues, which must be eliminated after cessation of PP. If the paCO2 is to be held constant during PP, minute ventilation has to be progressively increased by about 40%.
Comparative Study
[Narcotic gas burden of personnel in pediatric anesthesia].
To assess the occupational exposure of the anaesthetist to anaesthetic gases, a total of 1 German and 25 Swiss hospitals were investigated. A Brüel & Kjaer Type 1302 multi-gas monitor was used to measure concentrations of nitrous oxide and halogenated anaesthetic agents in the anaesthetist's breathing zone. Measurements were performed during 114 general anaesthetic, 55 of which were in patients under 11 years of age. In these 55 patients, the influence of various factors on the exposure (time-weighted average concentrations) was estimated by comparing different data groups. The efficiency of the applied scavenging equipment was examined by surveying the exhalation valve with a leak detector (type TIF 5600, TIF Instruments, Miami). ⋯ The exposure levels of anaesthetic gases are generally higher during anaesthesia in children up to 10 years of age than in older patients. Nevertheless, the measurements showed that exposure during paediatric anaesthesia can be kept below the recommended limit (8-h TWA in Switzerland) of 100 ppm nitrous oxide and 5 ppm halothane or 10 ppm enflurane or isoflurane. Causes of high exposures were particularly high fresh gas flows often applied without scavenging or together with inefficient scavenging devices and the high part of mask anaesthesia and inhalation induction with a loosely held mask. To achieve an effective reduction of occupational exposure, well-adjusted and maintained scavenging systems and low-leakage work practices are of primary importance. As leakage can never be completely avoided, a ventilation rate of at least ten air changes per h should be maintained in operating rooms and rooms where anaesthesia is induced to keep down concentrations of waste anaesthetic gases. High exposure during mask anaesthesia and inhalation induction can be prevented by further measures. Using a LMA instead of a standard mask reduces the exposure to the same level as endotracheal intubation.