Journal of strength and conditioning research
J Strength Cond Res · Oct 2017
Application of a Simple Surveillance Method for Detecting the Prevalence and Impact of Overuse Injuries in Professional Men's Basketball.
The aim of this study was to use the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) Overuse Injury Questionnaire to record overuse injuries over a single season for a men's professional basketball team to (a) assess the prevalence and severity of overuse injuries and (b) determine the efficacy of this method in identifying overuse injuries in comparison with the team physiotherapist's detection of these injuries. Thirteen athletes from a men's professional basketball team participated in this study. The self-reported, OSTRC injury questionnaire was used to record overuse conditions of the ankle, knee, and lower back over an entire 24-week season. ⋯ The OSTRC overuse injury questionnaire captures many more overuse injuries in basketball than standard time-loss methods. The prevalence of lower back injuries is higher than that previously reported in basketball. This additional method of overuse injury surveillance may more accurately quantify the overuse injury problem in basketball and aid earlier intervention and management of these conditions.
J Strength Cond Res · Oct 2017
HR, ̇V̇O₂, and RPE Relationships in an Aquatic Incremental Maximum Test Performed by Young Women.
David, GB, Andrade, LS, Schaun, GZ, and Alberton, CL. HR, V̇O₂, and RPE relationships in an aquatic incremental maximum test performed by young women. J Strength Cond Res 31(10): 2852-2858, 2017-The purpose of the study was to verify the relationship between oxygen uptake (V̇O₂), heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and cadence (CAD) in an aquatic incremental maximum test performed during a water-based stationary running exercise. ⋯ Regarding the relationship between these above-mentioned variables and CAD, all of them were significant (p < 0.001), with r = 0.848 for CAD and %HRmax, r = 0.877 for CAD and %V̇O₂peak and r = 0.878 for CAD and RPE. It was concluded that all analyzed variables are associated and their relationships are in a polynomial quadratic form. Based on the findings, instructors may use the positive relationships between %V̇O₂peak, %HRmax, and RPE to efficiently prescribe water-based training sessions.
Grgic, J and Mikulic, P. Tapering practices of Croatian open-class powerlifting champions. J Strength Cond Res 31(9): 2371-2378, 2017-The aim of this study was to explore tapering practices among 10 Croatian open-class powerlifting champions (mean ± SD: age 29.2 ± 3.2 years; Wilks coefficient 355.1 ± 54.8). ⋯ The participants typically stated that the main reasons for conducting the taper were maintaining strength and reducing the amount of fatigue. They also stated that (a) the taper was structured identically for the squat, bench press, and the deadlift; (b) the training during the taper was highly specific, the assistance exercises were removed, and the same equipment was used as during competition; (c) the source of information for tapering was their coach, and training fluctuated based on the coach's feedback; and (d) nutrition, foam rolling, static stretching, and massage were all given extra attention during the taper. These results may aid athletes and coaches in strength sports in terms of the optimization of tapering variables.
J Strength Cond Res · Aug 2017
Clinical TrialAgility Index as a Measurement Tool Based on Stimuli Number and Traveling Distances.
Zemková, E. Agility Index as a measurement tool based on stimuli number and traveling distances. J Strength Cond Res 31(8): 2141-2146, 2017-The purpose of this study was to develop an Agility Index (AI), plus related methodology, for representing and quantifying the data variability of agility performance, incorporating varied stimuli number and traveling distances. ⋯ No significant differences between the 2 test occasions in the AI and the ICC values in range from 0.88 to 0.93 and SEM from 7.6 to 8.8% signify that it is of sufficient stability and reliability to be used in practice. The AI is crucial for the sport-specific assessment of agility performance that differs in the number of stimuli and traveling distances. Also, it can be useful for comparing individuals with varied performance levels and the evaluation of agility training efficiency.
Peveler, WW, Sanders, GJ, Marczinski, CA, and Holmer, B. Effects of energy drinks on economy and cardiovascular measures. J Strength Cond Res 31(4): 882-887, 2017-The use of energy drinks among athletes has risen greatly. ⋯ Ingestion of energy drinks demonstrated no change in V[Combining Dot Above]O2 or RPE during the economy trials. The findings show no performance benefits under the conditions of this study. However, there does appear to be a significant increase in systolic BP.