Medical problems of performing artists
To evaluate how performing artists (PAs) with chronic pain may differ on measures of substance use compared to non-PA controls. ⋯ Among persons with chronic pain, PAs may have higher risk for opioid-related consequences, including OUD, and should be screened during health care encounters.
Med Probl Perform Art · Mar 2022
Interoceptive Sensibility in Professional Dancers Living With or Without Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study.
There is a growing body of literature investigating the use of manual therapy to modulate pain through interoceptive pathways, but studies amongst the dancer population are lacking. ⋯ Results should be interpreted with caution, as major confounding variables (i.e., psychopathologies) could not be excluded from the analysis due to their high prevalence in the sample. Positive associations between adaptive subscales of the MAIA-2 and the use of manual therapy support a need for further research investigating potential clinical applications using interoceptive pathways in the specialised management of pain in dancers.
Med Probl Perform Art · Mar 2022
Evaluation of Physical Symptoms in Brazilian Conductors Through NMQ and DASH Instruments.
Few studies have investigated populations of conductors concerning their activity in general or work-related health aspects, although these individuals also face important work demands with the potential for develop¬ing hearing, physical, and vocal problems. This study was designed to assess physical symptoms (pain, tingling, numbness) in Brazilian conductors by applying the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) and the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Questionnaire. The data were collected online from 166 Brazilian conductors who were actively working for at least 1 year. ⋯ Participants also complained of pain in the upper limbs, especially on the right side, and spinal regions associated with conducting. Bivariate statistical tests indicated significant relationships between the presence of symptoms in the upper limbs and higher disability scores in the DASH instrument. The body regions mentioned by the participants are similar to those reported in the few studies of conductors in the literature, highlighting that conducting has a specific physical impact and the potential to affect the function of the upper limb in the conductors' daily activities.
Med Probl Perform Art · Mar 2022
Rotational Movement of the Upper Limbs Associated with the Aesthetic Appreciation of Ballet.
This study aimed to identify the structure of upper limb movements in ballet dancers that affect the audience's perception of the aesthetics and to examine if upper limb rotational movement is a factor contributing to the aesthetics of ballet. ⋯ The results sup¬ported the hypothesis that rotational movement of the upper limbs is a factor contributing to the aesthetics of upper limb movements in ballet and will be useful for understanding the intrinsic aesthetics of upper limb movements in ballet.
Med Probl Perform Art · Mar 2022
Case ReportsQuadratus Femoris Tendinopathy as an Underreported Cause of Groin Pain: Case Report.
Groin pain is a cause of mobility impairment, and its diverse presentation can make the diagnosis difficult. Quadratus femoris muscle tendinopathy is a poorly described etiology, but its diagnosis is important for the success of the therapeutic program. The authors present the case of an 18-year-old woman who complained of chronic pain in the left inguinal region due to regular ballet practice. ⋯ Magnetic resonance imaging showed asymmetry in the signal intensity of the quadratus femoris muscle. The patient improved significantly after a rehabilitation program that included quadratus femoris muscle-specific exercises. Diagnostic accuracy and an understanding of segmental biomechanics ensure greater effectiveness in the therapeutic approach.