Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Multicenter Study
Availability and quality of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging equipment in U.S. emergency departments.
The objective was to determine the availability and quality of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment in U.S. emergency departments (EDs). The authors hypothesized that smaller, rural EDs have less availability and lower-quality equipment. ⋯ Although access to CT imaging was high (>90%), CT resolution and access to MRI were variable. Based on observed differences, the availability and quality of imaging equipment may vary by ED size and location.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Success of ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access with skin marking.
The most effective technique for ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access (USGPIVA) is unknown. In the traditional short-axis technique (locate, align, puncture [LAP]), the target vessel is aligned in short axis with the center of the transducer. The needle is then directed toward the target under real-time ultrasound (US) guidance. Locate, align, mark, puncture (LAMP) requires the extra step of marking the skin at two points over the path of the vein and proceeding with direct visualization as in LAP. The difference in success between these two techniques was compared among variably experienced emergency physician and emergency nurse operators. ⋯ LAMP did not improve success of USGPIVA in variably experienced operators. Experience was associated with higher rates of success for USGPIVA.