Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Abstract Public health research requires sound design and thoughtful consideration of potential biases that may influence the validity of results. It also requires careful implementation of protocols and procedures that are likely to translate from the research environment to actual clinical practice. ⋯ In addition, a number of recommendations related to research methods and future investigations related to public health work in the ED are provided. Public health investigators are poised to make substantial contributions to this important area of research, but this will only be accomplished by employing sound research methodology in the context of rigorous program evaluation.
This article is the outcome of a consensus building workshop entitled, "Overcoming Barriers to Implementation and Dissemination" convened at the 2009 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference, ''Public Health in the ED: Surveillance, Screening, and Intervention." The participants were asked to address potential methods for overcoming barriers to the dissemination and implementation in the emergency department (ED) of evidenced-based practices to improve public health. The panel discussed three broad areas of interest including methods for disseminating evidence-based practices, barriers encountered during the process of implementation, and the importance of involvement in activities outside the ED including engagement in policy development and improvement. ⋯ The recommendations included 1) researchers and advocates should disseminate findings through multiple forums beyond peer-reviewed publications when an ED-based public health intervention has enough evidence to support integration into the routine practice of emergency care; 2) local barriers to implementation of public health interventions should be recognized and well understood from multiple perspectives prior to implementation; 3) innovation must be put into place and adapted based on local institutional context and culture as barriers and the best methods for overcoming them will vary across institutions; and 4) use of legislation, regulation, and incentives outside of the ED should support and strengthen ED-based interventions. For each area of interest, research dimensions to extend the current understanding of methods for effectively and efficiently implementing evidence-based public health interventions in the ED were discussed and consensus was achieved.
The emergency department (ED) visit provides an opportunity to impact the health of the public throughout the entire spectrum of care, from prevention to treatment. As the federal government has a vested interest in funding research and providing programmatic opportunities that promote the health of the public, emergency medicine (EM) is prime to develop a research agenda to advance the field. EM researchers need to be aware of federal funding opportunities, which entails an understanding of the organizational structure of the federal agencies that fund medical research, and the rules and regulations governing applications for grants. ⋯ EM requires a broad skill set from a multitude of medical disciplines, and conducting research in the field will require looking for funding opportunities in a variety of traditional and not so traditional places within and without the federal government. The following is the discussion of a moderated session at the 2009 Academic Emergency Medicine consensus conference that included panel discussants from the National Institutes of Mental Health, Drug Abuse, and Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Further information is also provided to discuss those agencies and centers not represented.
Women assaulted by intimate partners are frequently patients in emergency departments (EDs). Many victims and health care providers fail to take into account the potential risks of repeat partner violence. The objective of this study was to use data from a larger study of domestic violence risk assessment methods to develop a brief assessment for acute care settings to identify victims at highest risk for suffering severe injury or potentially lethal assault by an intimate partner or former partner. ⋯ This instrument can help predict which victims may be at increased risk for severe injury or potentially lethal assault and can aid clinicians in differentiating which patients require comprehensive safety interventions.
This article describes a limited statewide dissemination of an evidence-based technology, screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT), and evaluation of the effects on emergency department (ED) systems of care, utilizing the knowledge translation framework of reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance (RE-AIM), using both quantitative and qualitative data sources. Screening and brief intervention (SBI) can detect high-risk and dependent alcohol and drug use in the medical setting, provide early intervention, facilitate access to specialty treatment when appropriate, and improve quality of care. Several meta-analyses demonstrate its effectiveness in primary care, and the federal government has developed a well-funded campaign to promote physician training and adoption of SBI. ⋯ Five of seven sites were sustained through the second year of the program, despite cutbacks in state funding. The dissemination process provided a number of important lessons for a large rollout. Successful implementation of the ED-SBIRT HPA model depends on 1) external funding for start-up; 2) local ED staff acting as champions to support the HPA role, resolve territorial issues, and promote a cultural shift in the ED treatment of drug and alcohol misuse from "treat and street" to prevention, based on a knowledge of the science of addiction; 3) sustainability planning from the beginning involving administrators, the billing and information technology departments, medical records coders, community service providers, and government agencies; and 4) creation and maintenance of a robust referral network to facilitate patient acceptance and access to substance abuse services.