Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends screening baby boomers and high-risk patients for hepatitis C virus (HCV); however, the incidence of HCV is rapidly increasing among younger populations, and screening is limited by access to care and risk factor assessment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate characteristics of HCV antibody-positive (Ab+) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)-confirmed-positive patients identified via two screening models in an Appalachian emergency department (ED). ⋯ This study was the first to present characteristics of HCV Ab+ and RNA-confirmed-positive patients identified during the transition to a universal screening model in an Appalachian ED. Most diagnoses were new regardless of screening model, but more patients screened HCV Ab+, and a similar proportion were RNA-confirmed-positive, under the universal model. Given that adoption of universal screening was modest, and risk factors remained similar, future research should investigate how to more effectively implement a universal screening model on a wider scale to identify early infections.
Computed tomography (CT), the reference standard for diagnosis of intraabdominal injury (IAI), carries risk including ionizing radiation. CT-sparing clinical decision rules for children have relied heavily on physical examination, but they did not include focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), which has emerged into widespread use during the past decade. We sought to determine the independent associations of physical examination, laboratory studies, and FAST with identification of IAI in children and to compare the test characteristics of these diagnostic variables. We hypothesized that FAST may add incremental utility to a physical examination alone to more accurately identify children who could forgo CT scan. ⋯ In children, FAST and physical examinations each predicted the identification of IAI. However, the combination of the two (exFAST) had greater sensitivity and NPV than either physical examination or FAST alone. This supports the use of exFAST in refining clinical predication rules in children with blunt torso trauma.
We hypothesized that "perfect" 100% sample sensitivity or specificity (PSSS) is common in the emergency medicine (EM) literature. When results yield PSSS, calculating the likelihood ratio (LR) 95% confidence interval (CI) has been challenging. Consequently, we also hypothesized that studies with PSSS would be less likely to report the LR and associated CI, and those that did would use imperfect methods. ⋯ This analysis provides systematic evidence of diagnostic test reporting in the EM literature. Sample sensitivity or specificity of 100% is common. LRs and their associated 95% CIs are infrequently reported, particularly for PSSS samples. When the LR CI is reported in this scenario, it is overly wide. Improved reporting and methods can enhance the utility and confidence in diagnostic tests in EM.