Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Syncope is a frequent reason for hospitalization from the emergency department (ED), but the benefit of hospitalization is unclear. This systematic review and meta-analysis (SRMA) aims to cohere and synthesize the best current evidence regarding the potential benefit of hospitalization for ED syncope patients for developing an evidence-based ED syncope management guideline. ⋯ Due to the uncertainty of the available evidence, this SRMA's findings do not support a recommendation for or against hospitalizing patients presenting to ED with syncope. However, discharging low-risk patients with syncope from the ED is associated with a low risk of short-term adverse events.
Review Meta Analysis
Risk-stratification tools for emergency department patients with syncope: A systematic review and meta-analysis of direct evidence for SAEM GRACE.
Approximately 10% of patients with syncope have serious or life-threatening causes that may not be apparent during the initial emergency department (ED) assessment. Consequently, researchers have developed clinical decision rules (CDRs) to predict adverse outcomes and risk stratify ED syncope patients. This systematic review and meta-analysis (SRMA) aims to cohere and synthesize the best current evidence regarding the methodological quality and predictive accuracy of CDRs for developing an evidence-based ED syncope management guideline. ⋯ Most CDRs for ED adult syncope management have low-quality evidence for routine clinical practice use. Only three CDRs (SFSR, CSRS, OESIL) are validated by more than two studies, with significant overlap in operating characteristics.
Review Meta Analysis
Risk-stratification tools for emergency department patients with syncope: A systematic review and meta-analysis of direct evidence for SAEM GRACE.
Approximately 10% of patients with syncope have serious or life-threatening causes that may not be apparent during the initial emergency department (ED) assessment. Consequently, researchers have developed clinical decision rules (CDRs) to predict adverse outcomes and risk stratify ED syncope patients. This systematic review and meta-analysis (SRMA) aims to cohere and synthesize the best current evidence regarding the methodological quality and predictive accuracy of CDRs for developing an evidence-based ED syncope management guideline. ⋯ Most CDRs for ED adult syncope management have low-quality evidence for routine clinical practice use. Only three CDRs (SFSR, CSRS, OESIL) are validated by more than two studies, with significant overlap in operating characteristics.
Interventions to improve equity in emergency departments for Indigenous people: A scoping review.
Disparities in health outcomes, including increased chronic disease prevalence and decreased life expectancy for Indigenous people, have been shown across settings affected by white settler colonialism including Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Emergency departments (EDs) represent a unique setting in which urgent patient need and provider strain interact to amplify inequities within society. The aim of this scoping review was to map the ED-based interventions aimed at improving equity in care for Indigenous patients in EDs. ⋯ Relatively few interventions for improving equity in care were identified. We found that a minority of interventions are aimed at creating organizational-level change and suggest that future interventions could benefit from targeting system-level changes as opposed to or in addition to incorporating new roles in EDs.