Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Graduate and postgraduate medical education currently teaches safety in patient care by instilling a deep sense of personal responsibility in student practitioners. To increase safety, medical education will have to begin to introduce new concepts from the "safety sciences," without losing the advantages that the values of commitment and responsibility have gained. There are two related educational goals. ⋯ Finally, careful attention will have to be paid to the way in which these principles are taught. It seems unlikely that a series of readings and didactic lectures alone will be effective. The analysis of meaningful cases, perhaps supplemented by high-fidelity simulation, seems to hold promise for more successful education in patient safety.
The specialty-based study of incidents, adverse events, and errors in medicine has largely occurred in anesthesia and to a lesser extent in intensive care and psychiatry. Few studies have specifically addressed the problem in emergency medicine (EM). Because of the significant risks, the resulting adverse outcome, and the high degree of preventability of errors occurring in the emergency department (ED), it is essential that an incident monitoring system be part of the ED's risk management program. ⋯ This paper describes an existing incident monitoring system that has recently been adopted by six EDs in Australia. It was developed as a result of a similar successful program in anesthesia, and funded by the Federal Department of Health of Australia. Incorporating incident monitoring and analysis to identify causative factors of incidents and the subsequent implementation of corrective strategies as part of the ED risk management program may result in improvement in the quality of care through a reduction in the frequency of incidents.
Medical errors in emergency departments (EDs) may be an important "public health risk." Therefore, scientific public health approaches should be used to 1) assess the magnitude of emergency medical errors with surveillance methods, 2) identify causal factors of these medical errors with clinical epidemiologic methods, and 3) evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing or eliminating emergency medicine errors with health service research techniques. Since errors result from complex human-system interaction, research efforts should focus on actions taken by the patient, factors concerning the ED environment, and actions taken by health care workers. Other medical and nonmedical fields have already made great advancements in studying and reducing human error. Many of these advancements could readily be adapted to study emergency medical errors.
Children with special health care needs (CSHCN) are at risk for suboptimal treatment when presenting for emergent care to unfamiliar health care providers. Errors in their management may stem from failure to recognize occult conditions, lack of familiarity with rare or complex medical problems, or lack of prior knowledge of baseline physical findings. An emergency information form (EIF) that contains patient-specific information on essential diagnostic and therapeutic interventions may provide a ready personal reference for the emergent care of CSHCN. Coupled with the use of medical identification jewelry and an electronic transmission system, an EIF has the potential to eliminate management errors in the care of these patients.
An estimated 108,000 people die each year from potentially preventable iatrogenic injury. One in 50 hospitalized patients experiences a preventable adverse event. Up to 3% of these injuries and events take place in emergency departments. ⋯ Some system-level efforts in error prevention have focused on teamwork, on strengthening communication between pharmacists and emergency physicians, on automating drug dosing and distribution, and on rationalizing shifts. This article reviews the definitions, detection, and presentation of error in medicine and EM. Based on review of the current literature, recommendations are offered to enhance the likelihood of reduction of error in EM practice.