Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
To identify provider-based differences in the ED assessment and management of children presenting with uncomplicated, first-time febrile seizures. ⋯ There were significant setting-based differences in the evaluation and management of children with simple febrile seizures presenting to GEDs and PEDs.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
The informed consent process and the use of the exception to informed consent in the clinical trial of diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin (DCLHb) in severe traumatic hemorrhagic shock. DCLHb Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock study group.
In the clinical trial of diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin (DCLHb), optimal therapy required the immediate enrollment of patients with severe, uncompensated, traumatic hemorrhagic shock. When it was not feasible to obtain prospective consent, an exception to informed consent was used according to FDA regulation 21 CFR 50.24. ⋯ Informed consent in this study of an emergent therapy most often involved the use of the consent exception and consent to continue, the latter of which occurred in a timely manner. Nearly all of those who were approached for CTC approved full participation in the study, suggesting acceptance of the process outlined in the new regulations. Patients treated in a hemorrhagic shock clinical trial may differ from the general trauma patient population.
To determine the incidence of clinically significant intracranial injury in the anticoagulated patient suffering minor head trauma without loss of consciousness (LOC) or acute neurologic abnormality. ⋯ The incidence of clinically significant intracranial injury is extremely low in the anticoagulated patient suffering minor blunt head trauma without LOC or acute neurologic abnormality. CT scanning may not be necessary in these patients. Larger prospective studies are needed to confirm these findings.
Multicenter Study
Computed tomography scanning and delirium in elder patients.
1) To examine the ordering of head CT scans in elder patients with delirium and cognitive impairment; and 2) to report CT scan findings associated with these conditions. ⋯ Considerable variability in ED CT scan ordering exists for elder patients with neurologic findings. Impaired consciousness and/or new focal neurologic signs are associated with acute findings on CT scan in elder patients. Acute CT abnormalities are uncommon in elder ED patients with other neurologic findings. Additional prospective evaluation is warranted prior to guideline development for CT scans in this patient population.