Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Multicenter Study
Level I trauma certification and emergency medicine resident major trauma experience.
American College of Surgeons (ACS) and Residency Review Committee for Emergency Medicine (RRC-EM) guidelines conflict regarding the role of emergency physicians in directing major trauma resuscitations. This article describes the impact of ACS level I trauma certification on emergency medicine (EM) resident trauma experience. ⋯ EM residents direct a smaller percentage of major trauma resuscitations at ACS level I hospitals than they do at non-level I facilities. This finding is not offset by an increased trauma census at level I facilities and may be more pronounced in the Northeast and the Midwest.
Multicenter Study
Multicenter study of creatine kinase-MB use: effect on chest pain clinical decision making.
To determine whether creatine kinase-MB isomer (CK-MB) levels affect initial physician decisions regarding patients with potential cardiac chest pain. ⋯ For a minority of the patients who had subsequently proven MI, the CK-MB result helped guide disposition decisions. The CK-MB availability did not adversely impact the disposition of the patients who had unstable or new-onset angina.
To assess the feasibility of a brief comprehensive case-finding program for detecting functional, cognitive, and social impairments among elderly ED patients and to estimate the prevalence of unknown, undetected, or untreated impairments elderly patients may have. ⋯ A brief comprehensive case-finding program for functional, cognitive, and social impairment among elderly ED patients is feasible. The screening uncovered a significant amount of morbidity among older patients visiting EDs.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Intravenous chlorpromazine vs intravenous metoclopramide in acute migraine headache.
To compare the efficacy of IV chlorpromazine with that of IV metoclopramide in the treatment for acute migraine headache in the ED. ⋯ Metoclopramide and chlorpromazine administered IV are both effective in the management of acute migraine headache. They are associated with similar minor side-effect profiles.
To assess the proficiency of emergency medicine (EM) trainees in the recognition of physical findings pertinent to the care of the critically ill patient. ⋯ These data confirm the recently reported deficiencies of physical diagnosis skills among physicians in training. The results are particularly disturbing because they relate to EM trainees and concern skills useful in the ED. Physical diagnosis should gain more attention in both medical schools and residency programs.