Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
After activating 9-1-1 for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CA), guidelines for children 1 year and older have evolved to include immediate automated external defibrillator (AED) use for witnessed arrest, and two minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) followed by AED use for unwitnessed arrests. The best approach to resuscitation in a two-tiered emergency medical services (EMS) system depends in part on how likely the patient is to present with ventricular fibrillation (VF). Therefore, the authors evaluated the frequency of VF with respect to age and other characteristics to further elucidate the role of the AED among pediatric CAs. ⋯ The proportion of children aged younger than 8 years presenting with VF is low compared with older children. The greatest increase in VF proportion occurs in children older than 12 years. Based on these results, the best approach for initial EMS resuscitation in a two-tiered EMS system, CPR versus AED use, is uncertain among younger children. Inclusion of witness status into the decision process for younger children may more efficiently allocate AED use, a finding in accordance with 2005 guidelines.
Controlled Clinical Trial
Computed tomographic angiography for the evaluation of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Computed tomography (CT) followed by lumbar puncture (LP) is currently the criterion standard for diagnosing subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in the emergency department (ED); however, this is based on studies involving a limited number of patients. The authors sought to assess the ability of CT angiography (CTA), a new diagnostic modality, in conjunction with CT/LP to detect SAH. ⋯ In this pilot study, CTA was found to be useful in the detection of cerebral aneurysms and may be useful in the diagnosis of aneurysmal SAH. A larger multicenter study would be useful to confirm these results.
To describe the prevalence of depressive symptoms in adolescents presenting to the emergency department (ED) and to describe their demographics and outcomes compared with adolescents endorsing low levels of depressive symptoms. ⋯ Depressive symptoms are prevalent in this screening sample, regardless of presenting complaint. A substantial proportion of patients with nonpsychiatric chief complaints endorsed moderate or severe depressive symptoms. A screening program might allow earlier identification and referral of patients at risk for depression.
To report on the sixth survey of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) of emergency medicine faculty salaries, benefits, work hours, and department demographics for all programs accredited by the Residency Review Committee for Emergency Medicine (RRC-EM). ⋯ Reported salaries for full-time emergency medicine residency faculty continue to rise overall but fell for the first time in one region (the Midwest). Academic rank continues to correlate directly with salary. Fellowship training continues to show a negative correlation with salary. Significant regional differences in salaries have been present in all six SAEM surveys.
Patients in emergency departments who use methadone frequently use tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and/or benzodiazepines (BZDs). This is a potentially dangerous drug combination. The authors hypothesized that the presence of methadone and a TCA, a BZD, or both is associated with an "accidental" overdose (AOD) death more often than a death from any other cause. ⋯ Among the methadone-positive cases, testing positive for a TCA, a BZD, or both was associated with an AOD death.