Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
To describe the epidemiology of snowmobile injuries in Utah. ⋯ By combining ED, inpatient, and death certificate data sets, probabilistic linkage provides a comprehensive description of snowmobile-related injuries and a baseline evaluation of morbidity, mortality, and financial burden.
Comparative Study
Neurotensin analog NT69L induces rapid and prolonged hypothermia after hypoxic ischemia.
To determine whether the neurotensin analog NT69L, administered systemically, could induce mild brain hypothermia after asphyxial cardiac arrest (ACA) in rats. ⋯ NT69L induced rapid and prolonged mild brain hypothermia after ACA in this rat model and reduced neurological deficits.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Ethical dilemmas in a randomized trial of asthma treatment: can Bayesian statistical analysis explain the results?
The original objective was to determine whether the use of bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilation would reduce the need for endotracheal intubation, the length of hospital stay, and hospital charges in patients with status asthmaticus. The development of physician treatment bias made patient enrollment difficult. The article subsequently describes the use of Bayesian statistics to explain study results when this bias occurs. ⋯ In this study, BiPAP appeared to have no deleterious effects in patients with status asthmaticus, with a trend toward decreased endotracheal intubation rate, decreased length of hospital stay, and decreased hospital charges. Although further study with more patients is needed to determine the clinical and statistical significance of this intervention, ethical concerns regarding withholding BiPAP treatment from the patients in the control group forced a premature termination of the study in the authors' institution.
Critics of the use of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in an emergency department (ED) setting believe that they are too cumbersome and time-consuming, but to the best of the authors' knowledge, potential barriers to CPG adherence in the ED have not been prospectively evaluated. ⋯ Clinical practice guidelines can be used successfully in the pediatric ED and provide a more efficient management and treatment approach to acute exacerbations of childhood asthma. With a systematic and concise CPG, barriers to adherence in a pediatric ED appear to be minimal, with the exception of using PEF in the routine ED assessment.
Comparative Study
Incidence of pericardial effusion in patients presenting to the emergency department with unexplained dyspnea.
To evaluate the frequency of pericardial effusion in patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with unexplained, new onset dyspnea. ⋯ While limited by small numbers, these preliminary data suggest that patients with unexplained dyspnea should be checked for pericardial effusion when bedside ED ultrasound is available.