Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
In May 2004, the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) National Affairs Committee was tasked with evaluation of graduate medical education (GME) funding in the face of declining Medicare reimbursement and support, and its implications for emergency medicine. This article was developed to educate the SAEM membership on the current status and climate of funding for GME and to serve as the basis of a position statement from SAEM on this topic. The paper presents the history and background on GME financing followed by currently known changes from the recently signed Medicare Act of 2003.
The educator's portfolio is of value for both university and community-based academic faculty. It can be used to document scholarly activity and teaching and to prepare for periodic evaluations. Many faculty members use it to assist them in managing their careers and to reflect on activities and teaching efforts to ensure continued growth in competency as teachers. Promotion and tenure committees of many institutions now use this document to aid them in making promotion decisions.
There is a need for every medical school graduate to handle emergencies as they arise in the daily practice of medicine. Emergency medicine (EM) educators are in a unique position to provide students with basic life support skills, guidance in assessing the undifferentiated patient, and exposure to the specialty of EM during all years of medical school. Emergency physicians can become involved in a variety of education experiences that can supplement the preclinical curriculum and provide access to our specialty at an early stage. ⋯ An effective course combines didactic and clinical components that draw on the strengths of the teaching institution and faculty of the department. A structured clerkship orientation session and system for feedback to students are essential in nurturing the development of student learners. This article provides an approach to assist the medical student clerkship director in planning and implementing EM education experiences for students at all levels of training, with an emphasis on the senior-year rotation.
Medical record review (MRR) studies have been reported to make up 25% of all scientific studies published in emergency medical (EM) journals. However, unlike other study designs, there are no standards for reporting MRRs and very little literature on the methodology for conducting them. The purpose of this article is to provide the reader with methodological guidance regarding the strengths and weaknesses of these types of studies.