Annals of surgical oncology
The treatment strategy for gastric cancer is determined by the stage of disease. Advances in diagnostic techniques such as endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and in staging have increased the accuracy of pretreatment staging. Correct staging is a prerequisite for the optimal treatment of gastric cancer patients. Long-term expected survival and quality of life (QOL) are the major criteria determining the therapeutic strategy. ⋯ Evaluation of all information concerning tumor stage, location, histologic type, expected survival, and QOL after resection is of paramount importance for the surgeon planning the extent of surgery. The therapeutic approach should be stratified according to the stage of disease.
Induction chemotherapy has become the standard of care for patients with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) and currently is being evaluated in prospective clinical trials in patients with earlier-stage disease. To better gauge the role of axillary lymph node dissection in patients with LABC this study was performed to assess initial axillary status on physical and ultrasound examination, axillary tumor downstaging following induction chemotherapy, and the accuracy of physical examination compared with axillary sonography in predicting which patients will have axillary lymph node metastases found on pathologic examination. ⋯ Preoperative clinical assessment of the axilla by physical examination combined with ultrasound examination is not completely accurate in predicting metastases in patients with LABC following tumor downstaging. However, patients with negative findings on both physical and ultrasound examinations of the axilla may be potential candidates for omission of axillary dissection if the axilla will be irradiated because minimal axillary disease remains. Patients who have positive findings on preoperative physical or ultrasound examinations should receive axillary dissection to ensure local control. A prospective randomized trial of axillary dissection versus axillary radiotherapy in patients with a clinically negative axilla following induction chemotherapy is currently underway.
Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is indicated when breast-conserving surgery is inappropriate and the patient refuses mastectomy as the sole procedure. ⋯ IBR is time-consuming, but it is well tolerated and does not interfere with oncologic adjuvant treatment. IBR can be performed with low morbidity by a dedicated multidisciplinary team.
Comparative Study
Association between extent of axillary lymph node dissection and survival in patients with stage I breast cancer.
The role of axillary lymph node dissection for stage I (T1N0) breast cancer remains controversial because patients can receive adjuvant chemotherapy regardless of their nodal status and because its therapeutic benefit is in question. The purpose of this study was to determine whether extent of axillary dissection in patients with T1N0 disease is associated with survival. ⋯ These results may reflect a potential for misclassification of tumor stage among patients who had fewer nodes removed. The data, however, suggest that in patients with Stage I breast cancer, improved survival is associated with a more complete axillary lymph node dissection.
The value of routine axillary dissection for patients with breast cancer is still being debated. The argument centers around whether the information gained by knowing the lymph node status, which aids in making the decision about adjuvant chemotherapy, justifies the morbidity. This study quantitatively analyzes the potential outcomes of routine, selective, and no axillary dissection. ⋯ Axillary dissection can be avoided in patients with high-risk lesions who would be candidates for adjuvant chemotherapy regardless of lymph node status, and possibly in patients with low-risk T1a lesions, but it should be recommended for low-risk T1b and T1c lesions for which lymph node status may determine the need for adjuvant chemotherapy.