Shock : molecular, cellular, and systemic pathobiological aspects and therapeutic approaches : the official journal the Shock Society, the European Shock Society, the Brazilian Shock Society, the International Federation of Shock Societies
This study examined whether acute alcohol (EtOH) intoxication before burn injury potentiates postburn intestinal tissue damage and whether neutrophils have any role in the damage under those conditions. Male rats ( approximately 250 g) were gavaged with EtOH to achieve a blood EtOH level of approximately 100 mg/dL or with saline and received either approximately 12.5% or approximately 25% total body surface area (TBSA) burn or sham injury. Rats were killed at 4 or 24 h after injury, and various parameters were measured. ⋯ The presence of EtOH in rats at the time of burn injury exacerbated the levels of IL-18, MPO activity, and edema at 4 and 24 h after burn injury. Treatment of rats with anti-IL-18 antibodies or with antineutrophil antiserum prevented the increase in the above parameters after EtOH and burn injury, except that the depletion of neutrophils did not prevent the IL-18 increase. In summary, these findings suggest that acute EtOH intoxication exacerbates postburn intestinal tissue damage after burn injury, and that it is, in part, neutrophil mediated.
Because studies have shown that 17beta-estradiol (E2) produces anti-inflammatory effects after various adverse circulatory conditions, we examined whether administration of E2 before spinal cord injury (SCI) has any salutary effects in reducing SCI. Spinal cord injury was induced by the application of vascular clips (force of 24 g) to the dura via a four-level T5-T8 laminectomy. To gain a better insight into the mechanism of action of the anti-inflammatory effects of E2, the following end points of the inflammatory process were evaluated: (1) spinal cord inflammation and tissue injury (histological score); (2) neutrophil infiltration (myeloperoxidase activity); (3) expression of iNOS, nitrotyrosine, and COX-2; (4) apoptosis (terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated UTP end labeling staining and Bax and Bcl-2 expression); and (5) tissue TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1beta, and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 levels. ⋯ To elucidate whether the protective effects of E2 were mediated via the estrogen receptors, we investigated the effect of an estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182,780, on the protective effects of E2. ICI 182,780 (500 microg/kg, s.c., 1 h before treatment with E2) significantly antagonized the effect of the E2 and abolished the protective effect against SCI. Taken together, our results clearly demonstrate that administration of E2 before SCI reduces the development of inflammation and tissue injury associated with spinal cord trauma.
There have been difficulties to demonstrate a relationship between endotoxin concentration and clinical response. One hypothesis for this difficulty might be that a fast increase in endotoxin concentration elicits a stronger biological response than a more gradual one of the same dose. The aim of the present study was to investigate the existence of such a response. ⋯ After 3 h, the endotoxin infusion was stopped, and the pigs were observed for another 3 h. The responses in TNF-alpha, core temperature, leukocytes, platelets, MAP, left ventricular stroke work index, mixed venous saturation, base excess, pH, and pulmonary compliance were greater in group I than in group II, whereas the IL-6 response did not differ between groups. The biological responses of inflammation, hypotension, hypoperfusion, and organ dysfunction are increased if the organism is exposed to a fixed amount of endotoxin more quickly.
Shock and tissue hypoperfusion are common after asphyxia. We compared systemic and regional hemodynamic effects of epinephrine and dopamine in the treatment of shock and hypotension in asphyxiated newborn piglets resuscitated with 100% oxygen. Twenty-four piglets (1-3 days old; weight, 1.4-2.6 kg) were acutely instrumented to measure cardiac index (CI), carotid, mesenteric and renal arterial blood flows, and mean systemic (SAPs) and pulmonary arterial pressures (PAPs). ⋯ Epinephrine (0.3-1.5 microg kg(-1) min(-1)) for 2 h increased SAP and CI (with higher stroke volume) and decreased pulmonary vascular resistance (with reduced PAP-SAP ratio), whereas the responses with dopamine (10-25 microg kg(-1) min(-1)) were modest. Low-dose epinephrine improved mesenteric and carotid arterial flows, whereas the pressure-driven doses of epinephrine and dopamine increased carotid and mesenteric arterial flows, respectively. To treat shock in asphyxiated newborn piglets resuscitated with 100% oxygen, epinephrine exhibits an inotropic action compared with dopamine, whereas both catecholamines can increase carotid and mesenteric perfusion.