American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. · Sep 2023
FEV1/FVC Severity Stages for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Rationale: The diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is based on a low FEV1/FVC ratio, but the severity of COPD is classified using FEV1% predicted (ppFEV1). Objectives: To test a new severity classification scheme for COPD using FEV1/FVC ratio, a more robust measure of airflow obstruction than ppFEV1. Methods: In COPDGene (Genetic Epidemiology of COPD) (N = 10,132), the severity of airflow obstruction was categorized by Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stages 1-4 (ppFEV1 of ⩾80%, ⩾50-80%, ⩾30-50%, and <30%). ⋯ The STAR classification system identified a greater number of adults with stage 3/4 disease who would be eligible for lung transplantation and lung volume reduction procedure evaluations. Conclusions: The new STAR severity classification scheme provides discrimination for mortality that is similar to the GOLD classification but with a more uniform gradation of disease severity. STAR differentiates patients' symptoms, disease burden, and prognosis better than the existing scheme based on ppFEV1, and is less sensitive to race/ethnicity and other demographic characteristics.