Multicenter Study
Clinical Outcomes and Risk Factor Analysis of Patients Presenting with Emphysematous Cystitis: A 15-Year Retrospective Multicenter Study.
Background and objectives: To investigate the risk factors for emphysematous cystitis (EC) compared to those of acute cystitis (AC) to increase clinicians awareness of the possibility for the aggravation of patient status. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed a total of 54 patients who were hospitalized with a diagnosis of EC by abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan from 2006 to 2020. The control group included 92 patients who were hospitalized for the treatment of AC in the same period. ⋯ In the multivariate analysis, DM (OR, 6.251; 95% CI, 2.254-17.250; p < 0.001), CKD (OR, 18.439; 95% CI, 3.421-99.404; p = 0.001), NB (OR, 7.374; 95% CI, 1.993-27.285; p = 0.003) were associated with EC. Conclusions: The results of this study revealed that DM, CKD, and NB were significant risk factors for EC. The tendency toward sepsis and high mortality underscore the need for careful observation while treating patients with EC with the risk noted above.
Background and Objectives: Prematurity is currently a serious public health issue worldwide, because of its high associated morbidity and mortality. Optimizing the management of these pregnancies is of high priority to improve perinatal outcomes. One tool frequently used to determine the degree of fetal wellbeing is cardiotocography (CTG). ⋯ Transitory, low-amplitude decelerations are more frequent during the second trimester. Transitory increases in FHR are less frequent and become more frequent and increase in amplitude as gestational age increases. Conclusions: The main characteristics of FHR tracings changes as gestation proceeds, and it is of fundamental importance to be aware of these changes in order to correctly interpret CTG patterns in preterm fetuses.
Background and objectives: Occipital condyle fractures (OCF) occur rarely in children. The choice of treatment is based on the Anderson-Montesano and Tuli classification systems. We evaluated the outcome of unstable OCF in children and adolescents after halo-vest therapy. ⋯ At follow-up, all children exhibited favorable functionality of the CCJ as documented by the NDI score (median: 3 points; range: 3-11 points) and SF-36 score (median: 91 points; range: 64-96 points). Conclusions: In our small case series, halo-vest therapy resulted in good mid-term outcome in terms of OCF consolidation and CCJ functionality. In pediatric patients with suspected cervical spine injuries, we recommend CT and MRI of the CCJ to establish the diagnosis of OCF and confirm stable fracture consolidation before removing the halo vest.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Cardiac Rehabilitation and Complementary Physical Training in Elderly Patients after Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Pilot Study.
Background and Objectives: Nearly 23% of elderly patients hospitalized due to acute coronary syndrome have reduced muscle strength. It is assumed that these patients would better benefit from a complex training-a combination of endurance, strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility-in order to reduce the loss of muscle strength and mass and improve functional capacity. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of two different complementary resistance and balance training programs during short-term cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in elderly patients after a percutaneous or surgical intervention due to acute coronary syndrome. ⋯ Comparison of CR effectiveness among the groups revealed no significant differences. Conclusions: All three rehabilitation programs were safe and well tolerated by elderly patients aged ≥65 years as well as improved functional capacity (6-minute walk distance and peak workload) and physical performance (SPPB and 1RM). Complementary resistance and balance training with traditional physical therapy means and exercises with mechanical devices did not show greater benefits for the results of physical performance compared with the usual CR program.
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a clinical entity characterized by the absence of celiac disease and wheat allergy in patients that trigger reproducible symptomatic responses to gluten-containing foods consumption. Due to the lack of sensitive and reproducible biomarkers for NCGS diagnosis, placebo-controlled gluten challenges must be carried out for its diagnosis. The gluten challenges can be either double- or single-blind, for research or clinical practice purposes, respectively. ⋯ The treatment of NCGS involves the dietary restriction of the suspected triggers of the disease, but there is controversial data about the effectiveness of different dietary interventions such as the gluten-free diet and low-FODMAP diet. Certainly, our understanding of NCGS is improving quickly due to the constant availability of new scientific information on this topic. Thus, the aim of the present narrative review is to present an up-to-date overview on NCGS from epidemiology to current therapy.