Emergency radiology
Emergency radiology · Dec 2014
Patterns in computed tomography utilization among emergency physicians in an urban, academic emergency department.
We sought to determine if CT utilization rates varied by characteristics of the physician. A chart review was performed at an urban academic emergency department (ED) to identify all the CT scans ordered and patients seen for subjects 21 years of age and older by physicians between January 2001 and December 2008. "Years of experience" was defined as years of practice after residency. Various experience cutoffs were determined a priori. ⋯ Low users ordered 78 CT scans per 1,000 patient visits (95 % CI 76.6-78.5), as compared to the high users that ordered 135 CT scans per 1,000 patient visits (95 % CI 131.8-139.0). We found that all of physicians stayed within their quartiles except one. While there was substantial variation among CT utilization rates by physicians at this urban emergency department, our data shows no differences between physicians with more or less clinical experience and no change in individual utilization patterns during the study period.
Emergency radiology · Dec 2014
Utilization of a clinical prediction rule for abdominal-pelvic CT scans in patients with blunt abdominal trauma.
This study aims to determine if a clinical prediction (CP) rule to identify patients at low risk for intra-abdominal injury (IAI) is being utilized in patients undergoing abdominal computed tomography (CT) following blunt abdominal trauma. A retrospective review of adult patients with blunt abdominal trauma undergoing abdominal CT scans was performed. The CP rule was positive if any of the following were present: systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg; urinalysis >25 red blood cells/high power field; Glasgow Coma Scale score <14; abdominal tenderness; costal margin tenderness; femur fracture; hematocrit <30 %; or pneumothorax or rib fracture on chest X-ray. ⋯ In the CP rule-negative patients, IAI was identified in 1/53 (1.9 %; 95 % CI, 0, 10.1 %) and no therapeutic intervention was required. An important percentage of patients undergoing abdominal CT are not assessed for or have a negative CP rule. Improved implementation of this CP rule may reduce unnecessary abdominal CT scans in patients presenting with blunt abdominal trauma.
Computed tomography (CT) is widely used in the initial evaluation of patients with craniofacial trauma. Due to anatomical proximity, craniofacial trauma often involves concomitant injury to the eye and orbit. These injuries may have devastating consequences to vision, ocular motility, and cosmesis. ⋯ For this reason, radiologists should be prepared to rapidly recognize common orbital fracture patterns, accurately describe soft tissue injuries of the orbit, detect and localize retained foreign bodies within the globe and orbit, and recognize abnormalities of the contents and integrity of the globe. In this review, we present a systematic approach to assist radiologists in the rapid evaluation of orbital trauma using the "BALPINE" mnemonic-bones, anterior chamber, lens, posterior globe structures, intraconal orbit, neurovascular structures, and extraocular muscles/extraconal orbit. Using this approach, we describe common traumatic findings within each of these spaces, and present common postsurgical appearances that can mimic findings of acute trauma.
Emergency radiology · Oct 2014
Comparative StudyThoraco-abdominal CT examinations for evaluating cause of cardiac arrest and complications of chest compression in resuscitated patients.
The objective of the study is to describe the causes of cardiac arrest and complications of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on thoraco-abdominal CT examinations for resuscitated patients in our institution. We evaluated the causes of cardiac arrest on thoraco-abdominal CT scans, which was compared with the final diagnosis (determined by consensus of two emergency physicians based on the clinical, imaging, and laboratory findings). Additionally, we evaluated the complications of CPR on thoraco-abdominal CT scans. ⋯ In particular, CT was critical in diagnosis of many respiratory causes (64 %) and all exsanguinations. The most common complications following CPR were skeletal chest injuries (n=48), followed by lung contusion (n=45). Thoraco-abdominal CT examinations are helpful for the diagnosis of cause of cardiac arrest and complications of CPR.
Emergency radiology · Oct 2014
Computed tomography utilization rates after the placement of a scanner in an emergency department: a single-center experience.
The convenience of a computed tomography (CT) scanner in the emergency department (ED) may impact utilization rates. Our primary aim was to determine the rate of utilization before and after the placement of an ED CT scanner. Secondary aims were to determine the rate of utilization by anatomic region and during a 5-month period when the ED scanner was unavailable. ⋯ Overall CT utilization increased after the placement of a scanner in the ED. Most subtypes of scan increased. Utilization was unchanged during a period of ED scanner unavailability, suggesting that increased utilization may be difficult to reverse.