Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Clinical outcomes data are playing an increasingly important role in medical decision-making, reimbursement, and provider evaluation, but there are no documented programs that provide outcomes data to surgical residents as part of a structured curriculum. Our objectives were to develop a national collaborative of training programs to unify the efforts between quality and education personnel and demonstrate the feasibility of generating customized reports of patient outcomes for use in surgical education. ⋯ Collaboration between educators and quality improvement personnel from a diverse group of organizations to integrate outcomes data into surgical education is feasible. Obtaining resident and team reports from ACS NSQIP can be done with minimal effort. Future efforts will be aimed at developing a national data-centered curriculum for general surgery programs.
Comparative Study
The General Surgeon's quandary: atypical lipomatous tumor vs lipoma, who needs a surgical oncologist?
Differentiating large lipomas from atypical lipomatous tumors (ALT) is challenging, and preoperative management guidelines are not well defined. The diagnostic ambiguity leads many surgeons to refer all patients with large lipomatous masses to an oncologic specialist, perhaps unnecessarily. ⋯ Characteristics of lipomatous masses associated with a diagnosis of ALT include patient age ≥ 55 years, tumor size ≥ 10 cm, previous resection, and extremity location (vs torso). These easily identifiable traits may guide surgical management or referral to a specialist.
As new technology is developed and scientific evidence demonstrates strategies to improve the quality of care, it is essential that surgeons keep current with their skills. Rural surgeons need efficient and targeted continuing medical education that matches their broader scope of practice. Developing such a program begins with an assessment of the learning needs of the rural surgeon. The aim of this study was to assess the learning needs considered most important to surgeons practicing in rural areas. ⋯ Our results demonstrated that surgeons practicing in rural areas have a strong interest in acquiring additional skills in a variety of general and subspecialty surgical procedures. The information obtained in this study may be used to guide curriculum development of further postgraduate skills courses targeted to rural surgeons.
We examined the relationship between morbid obesity, clinical presentation, and perioperative outcomes in patients offered surgery for diverticulitis. ⋯ Morbidly obese patients undergoing surgery for diverticulitis are nearly 10 years younger than NL patients and are more likely to require ES, ostomy creation, open surgery, and to undergo procedures without an anastomosis. Morbidly obese patients undergoing ES also have more preoperative systemic inflammatory response syndrome/sepsis/septic shock.
Accurately estimating surgical risks is critical for shared decision making and informed consent. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services may soon put forth a measure requiring surgeons to provide patients with patient-specific, empirically derived estimates of postoperative complications. Our objectives were to develop a universal surgical risk estimation tool, to compare performance of the universal vs previous procedure-specific surgical risk calculators, and to allow surgeons to empirically adjust the estimates of risk. ⋯ The ACS NSQIP surgical risk calculator is a decision-support tool based on reliable multi-institutional clinical data, which can be used to estimate the risks of most operations. The ACS NSQIP surgical risk calculator will allow clinicians and patients to make decisions using empirically derived, patient-specific postoperative risks.