Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Cluster-Randomized Trial of Opiate-Sparing Analgesia after Discharge from Elective Hip Surgery.
Surgeons have traditionally relied on opiates after hip replacement, despite a growing epidemic of abuse. This study assessed the efficacy of multimodal analgesia and impact of conservative opiate prescribing after discharge from hip surgery. ⋯ Multimodal analgesia with minimal opiates improved pain control while significantly decreasing opiate use and opiate-related adverse effects. It is time to rethink our reliance on opiates after elective operations.
Multicenter Study
Who Hurts More? A Multicenter Prospective Study of In-Hospital Opioid Use in Pediatric Trauma Patients in the Midwest.
Despite increased national attention on misuse of prescription and nonprescription opioids for adolescents and children, little is known about opioid use in a pediatric population during hospitalization for injury. The purpose of this investigation is to describe opioid administration and magnitude of opioid exposure in the first 48 hours of hospitalization in a pediatric trauma population. ⋯ Most pediatric trauma patients received an opioid in the first 48 hours of hospitalization, although prevalence and exposure varied by age, injury, and acuity. Aggressive pain management can be appropriate for injured pediatric patients; however, study results indicate areas for improvement, specifically for children with minor injuries and those receiving excessive opioid amounts.
Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) has emerged as an esophageal-preserving treatment for T1 esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC); however, only patients with negligible risk of lymph node metastasis (LNM) are eligible. Reliable clinical diagnostic tools for LNM are lacking, as such, several risk assessment scores have been developed. The purpose of this study was to externally validate 2 previously published risk scores (Lee and Weksler) for clinical prediction of LNM in T1 EAC patients. ⋯ Both scoring systems demonstrated good discriminatory ability and predictive accuracy for LNM, but the defined thresholds resulted in a high false-positive rate. A better scoring system based on clinical characteristics is needed to better identify patients with local disease.
Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs; unplanned reintubation, postoperative pneumonia, and failure to liberate from mechanical ventilation within 48 hours), contribute significantly to increased rates of morbidity and mortality. Procedure type is an important factor that contributes risk in generalized PPC prediction models. The objective of this study was to develop and validate procedure-specific risk scores for the 6 procedures with the highest rates of PPCs. ⋯ Important variables were identified for 6 common procedures that yield an increased risk of PPCs. These variables differed by procedure type, outlining the importance of procedure-specific risk scores. Each procedure-specific PCRS developed in this study can be used by health care professionals to better predict the risk of PPCs and to optimize patient outcomes.
Social determinants of health impact the delivery of care and outcomes in patients with pancreatic cancer. We explored the relationship between social determinants of health and presentation, treatment, and outcomes of patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma at an urban safety-net medical center. ⋯ There were no statistically significant relationships between examined social determinants of health and use of operation or perioperative therapy. Patients treated at an urban safety-net hospital with a focus on vulnerable patient populations are able to provide outcomes similar to national averages. Additional exploration of factors affecting outcomes for pancreatic cancer in these patients will be important, as many centers absorb higher immigrant and indigent populations.