Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Multicenter Study
Graduated Autonomy of Laparoscopic Liver Resection Based on Liver Resection Complexity: A Western and Eastern Bi-Institution Study for Learning Curve.
Laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) requires a high degree of expertise in both hepatobiliary and minimally invasive surgery. Our group previously reportwed a 3-level LLR complexity classification based on intrapostoperative outcomes: grade I (low), grade II (intermediate), and grade III (high). We evaluated the learning curve effect in each complexity grade to assess the experience needed for a surgeon to safely progress through the grades. ⋯ A gradual progression in LLR per complexity grade as follow: 40 cases of low grade I procedures before starting intermediate complexity grade II procedures, and 30 cases of intermediate complexity grade II procedures before starting high complexity grade III procedures may ensure a safe implementation of high complexity LLR procedures.