Journal of the American College of Surgeons
With each succession along the surgical career pathway, from medical school to faculty, the percentage of those who identify as underrepresented in medicine (URiM) decreases. We sought to evaluate the demographic trend of surgical fellowship applicants, matriculants, and graduates over time. ⋯ Significant disparities exist for URiMs in general surgery subspecialty fellowships. These results serve as a call to action to re-examine and improve the existing processes to increase the number of URiMs in the surgery subspecialty fellowship training pathway.
Response to neoadjuvant systemic therapy (NST) for breast cancer enables tailoring of subsequent therapy. Image-guided breast biopsy after NST can accurately predict a pathologic complete response (pCR). The feasibility phase of the clinical trial reported here assesses omission of breast surgery followed by radiotherapy in terms of local recurrence before trial expansion. ⋯ These early data suggest that omission of breast surgery in patients with invasive TNBC and HER2+BC with no evidence of residual disease on standardized VACB after NST is potentially feasible. Results from the expansion phase of this clinical trial will be reported per protocol prespecified analyses.
Stress on the healthcare system requires careful allocation of resources such as renal replacement therapy (RRT). The COVID-19 pandemic generated difficulty securing access to RRT for trauma patients. We sought to develop a renal replacement after trauma (RAT) scoring tool to help identify trauma patients who may require RRT during their hospitalization. ⋯ RAT is a novel and validated scoring tool to help predict the need for RRT in trauma patients. With future improvements including baseline renal function and other variables, the RAT tool may help prepare for the allocation of RRT machines/staff during times of limited resources.
Guidelines for enoxaparin dosing after trauma recommend an initial dose of 40 mg twice daily for most patients and then adjusting by anti-Xa levels. Previous studies indicated higher enoxaparin doses are necessary with higher levels of creatinine clearance (CrCl). We sought to determine if the goal enoxaparin dose correlates with the admission CrCl to reduce the reliance on measuring anti-Xa levels. ⋯ Admission CrCl may predict the enoxaparin dose required to achieve adequate anti-Xa levels. Our data indicate that CrCls of approximately 70, 90, 110, 140, and 150 mL/min may predict the twice-daily enoxaparin doses of 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 mg, respectively. CrCl dosing guidance may reduce the time to goal anti-Xa levels and the frequency of anti-Xa measurements. Further research is necessary, and enoxaparin dosing should continue to be monitored by anti-Xa levels.
To address the global need for accessible evidence-based tools for competency-based education, we developed ENTRUST, an innovative online virtual patient simulation platform to author and securely deploy case scenarios to assess surgical decision-making competence. ⋯ This study demonstrates feasibility and initial validity evidence for the use of ENTRUST in a high-stakes examination context for assessment of surgical decision-making. ENTRUST holds potential as an accessible learning and assessment platform for surgical trainees worldwide.