International journal of food sciences and nutrition
The prevalence, causes and role of iron prophylaxis in pregnant women was studied. All women delivered at the National University Hospital, Singapore in 1993 had their haemoglobin estimated. If it was less than 11 g/dl, blood was taken for serum iron, ferritin, transferrin, red cell zinc protoporphyrin, serum folate, vitamin B12 and thalassemia screen to establish cause of anaemia. ⋯ A 55% reduction in odds of anaemia was estimated per 1 gm% increase in haemoglobin at booking. Prophylactic antenatal iron supplements not only prevent a fall but also improved haemoglobin levels during pregnancy. Those who were not on any iron supplements were 11 times more likely to develop anaemia in the present pregnancy.
Int J Food Sci Nutr · Jul 1996
Does moderate aerobic activity have a stimulatory effect on 24 h resting energy expenditure: a direct calorimeter study.
This study was designed to establish whether moderate aerobic exercise (2 h at 30-35% VO2 max) in lean non-athletic male adults had a prolonged stimulatory effect on energy expenditure while at rest. Four weight maintaining male adults had their 24 h energy expenditure measured by direct calorimetry on four separate occasions. During the 24 h in the calorimeter each subject received a diet which in total supplied 35 kcal (146 kJ) per kg body weight. ⋯ Total 24 h energy expenditure was greater on exercise (8.3 +/- 1.8 MJ/day) than non-exercising days (6.3 +/- 1.4 MJ/day, P < 0.001) In contrast when the acute effects of the cycling where removed 24 h resting energy expenditure on the exercise day (6.8 +/- 1.7 MJ/day) was not significantly different from that of rest days (95% confidence intervals of the difference ranged from -0.36 to 1.27 MJ/day). This study did not demonstrate a prolonged stimulatory influence on non-exercising resting energy expenditure following physical activity likely to be achieved by non-athletes. These data provide no evidence that such exercise is associated with a greater energy deficit than that due to the activity itself.