Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society
J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs · May 2008
Prevention of pressure ulcers: a descriptive study in 3 intensive care units in Turkey.
The aim of this descriptive study was to describe the level of preventive care provided to intensive care unit (ICU) patients at risk for development of pressure ulcers (PU). ⋯ This study demonstrates that critical care nurses do not consistently provide preventive care for PU.
Clinical experience and existing research strongly support debridement as a necessary component of wound bed preparation when slough or eschar is present. Multiple techniques are available, but the indications for each technique and their efficacy are not clearly established. There is little evidence to guide the clinician in the selection of a safe, effective debridement method for the patient with a chronic wound. ⋯ Enzymatic debriding agents are an effective alternative for removing necrotic material from pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, and partial-thickness wounds. They may be used to debride both adherent slough and eschar. Enzymatic agents may be used as the primary technique for debridement in certain cases, especially when alternative methods such as surgical or conservative sharp wound debridement (CSWD) are not feasible owing to bleeding disorders or other considerations. Many clinicians will select enzymes when CSWD is not an option. Clinical experience strongly suggests that combined therapy, such as initial surgical debridement followed by serial debridement using an enzymatic agent or enzymatic debridement along with serial CSWD, is effective for many patients with chronic, indolent, or nonhealing wounds.
J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs · Mar 2008
Review Comparative StudyIntestinal diversion (colostomy or ileostomy) in patients with severe bowel dysfunction following spinal cord injury.
Spinal cord injury (SCI) affects motor and sensory nervous integrity resulting in paralysis of lower or both upper and lower extremities, as well as autonomic nervous system function resulting in neurogenic bowel. SCI leads to diminished or lost sensations of the need to defecate or inability to distinguish the presence of gas versus liquid versus solid stool in the rectal vault. Sensory loss, incomplete evacuation of stool from the rectal vault, immobility, and reduced anal sphincter tone increase the risk of fecal incontinence. Gastrointestinal symptoms are associated with depression, anxiety, and significant impairments in quality of life (QOL) in a significant portion of persons with SCI. ⋯ 1. The WOC nurse plays a pivotal role in both conservative bowel management and the decision to undergo ostomy surgery. 2. Preoperative stoma site marking is vital for the best surgical outcome. 3. The system best suited to an individual is based on a variety of factors including but not limited to stoma location, type of effluent, peristomal plane and contours, and the individual's capabilities and preferences. 4. Some individuals with a sigmoid or descending colostomy may benefit from colostomy irrigation as a management method. 5. Postoperatively, assessment of pressure points for signs of tissue breakdown, evaluation of treatment methods for existing pressure ulcers with suitable modification, and support surface assessment should be included in ongoing annual follow-up visits.