International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Apr 2014
Chemical composition of surgical smoke formed in the abdominal cavity during laparoscopic cholecystectomy--assessment of the risk to the patient.
The aim of this study was to assess the exposure of patients to organic substances produced and identified in surgical smoke formed in the abdominal cavity during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. ⋯ The source of the compounds produced in the abdominal cavity during the surgery is tissue pyrolysis in the presence of carbon dioxide atmosphere. All patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures are at risk of absorbing and excreting smoke by-products. Exposure of the patient to emerging chemical compounds is usually a one-time and short-term incident, yet concentrations of benzene and toluene found in the urine were significantly higher after the surgery than before it.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Jan 2014
Case ReportsUnusual complications after occupational exposure to giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum): a case report.
Exposure to giant hogweed brings about the risk of serious skin damage, usually in the form of phytophotodermatitis. Initially, skin changes are signaled by a burning sensation, followed by a vesiculobullous rash and long-term hyperpigmentation. ⋯ The study presents a case of occupational exposure to hogweed, which resulted in extensive skin lesions leading to the disablement of a 27-year-old man. The principles of procedure to be followed when contact with giant hogweed is an occupational hazard are also outlined.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Dec 2013
Randomized Controlled TrialFurther development of a commercial driving simulation for research in occupational medicine.
The purpose of this study was to refine a commercial car driving simulation for occupational research. As the effects of ethanol on driving behavior are well established, we choose alcohol as a test compound to investigate the performance of subjects during simulation. ⋯ In sum, a clear ethanol effect was observed in the driving simulation. This simulation seems suitable for occupational research and produces little simulator sickness. Controlling for possible learning effects is recommended in driving simulation studies.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Aug 2013
A study on job postures and musculoskeletal illnesses in dentists.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) compose a large part of occupational diseases in dental professionals, prevention of which is dependent on assessment and improvement of job postures by means of ergonomic interventions. This study was aimed at evaluation of ergonomic conditions of the profession of dentists and also at assessing the relationship between MSDs and conditions of work. ⋯ It can be concluded that work postures of dentists need to be improved. In addition to education, work station design, rest period during work and regular physical activities should be taken into account.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Jun 2013
Health and life style-related determinants of survival rate in the male residents of the city of Łódź.
The article presents a selected part of an analysis of health- and lifestyle-related determinants of the longevity of male residents of the city of Łódź. The WHO strategy for the European region assumes that the term' lifestyle' refers to the way of life based on the association between conditions of life understood in a broad sense and individual patterns of behaviour determined by socio-cultural factors and individual features. On this basis, the aim of this study is to identify the multiple statistical relationships on the mortality of men living in Łódź, particularly the influence of the following variables on the probability of survival: age, subjective health assessment, nutritional habits, alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking. ⋯ Risky lifestyles and a reluctance to abandon them are responsible for a shorter lifespan among men in Poland. Reducing this difference between women and men is a real challenge for public health professionals and preventive medicine specialists.