International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health
The use of latex gloves has increased by several folds in the recent past due to concerns about blood-borne infections. Data from Asian countries with regard to latex allergy is scarce. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of latex allergy among healthcare workers in a tertiary hospital in Sri Lanka. ⋯ Prevalence of latex allergy is high among healthcare workers in this study population. Environmental factors rather than genetic predisposition play the major role in the development of this condition.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Jan 2010
Effective protection from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in Poland: The World Health Organization perspective.
Tobacco is the single greatest preventable cause of death in the world today, killing approximately half of the people who use it. Several strategies have been proved to reduce tobacco use. However, more than 50 years after the health effects of smoking were scientifically proven, and more than 20 years after evidence confirmed the hazards from exposure to second-hand smoke, few countries have implemented effective and recognized strategies to control the tobacco epidemic. This paper summarizes the World Health Organization recommendations for effective protection from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke along with the existing tobacco control programs and legislation in force in Poland.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Jan 2009
Multicenter StudyEmergency department visits for migraine and headache: a multi-city study.
We set out to examine associations between ambient air pollution concentrations and emergency department (ED) visits for migraine/headache in a multi-city study. ⋯ Our findings support the associations between air pollutants and the number of ED visits for headache.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Jan 2009
Ambient sulphur dioxide exposure and emergency department visits for migraine in Vancouver, Canada.
Ambient exposure to sulphur dioxide (SO2) has been previously associated with emergency department (ED) visits for migraine headaches. In the present study, the objective was to examine the relationship between ED visits for migraine and ambient sulphur dioxide concentrations. ⋯ Our findings provide additional support for a consistent correlation between migraine headache and air pollution (SO2).
Int J Occup Med Environ Health · Jan 2009
Occupational exposure to wood dust and health effects on the respiratory system in a minor industrial estate in Bursa, Turkey.
The aim of this study was to estimate occupational exposure to wood dust in the furniture industry in a minor industrial estate in Bursa, Turkey. ⋯ As a result, in this study it was pointed out that the exposure to wood dust adversely influenced the workers respiratory functions. Besides, in this study a question associated with the healthy worker effect that can adversely influence health of workers exposed to wood dust at less than (4 mg/m3) is revealed.