JNMA; journal of the Nepal Medical Association
JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc · Oct 2021
Insufficient Iodine Level in Urine among Children of a Secondary School: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study.
Introduction: Iodine deficiency disorders are common endocrinopathies in Nepal. Children are at risk for iodine deficiency disorders. Irreversible mental retardation and brain damage in children are the devastating disorders lead by iodine deficiency. ⋯ Conclusions: Iodine estimation revealed a very high percentage of urine samples containing insufficient levels of iodine is similar as compared to studies done in similar settings. Hence, the school children were at risk of iodine deficiency disorders. Iodine deficiency disorders prevention programs should be priority intervention based on available evidence.
JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc · Oct 2021
Case ReportsMajor Spinal Surgery Between Two Documented COVID-19 Infections in an Elderly Female: A Case Report.
Documented re-infection of COVID-19 is uncommon and doing a major spinal surgery in an elderly patient right after the recovery from the first event is itself a major undertaking. Re-infection after successful surgery points to the possibility of COVID-19 infection being a post-surgical complication. ⋯ She was managed conservatively and was discharged without significant respiratory and neurological complications. We described this case in detail in addition to reviewing the pertinent literature.
JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc · Oct 2021
Case ReportsEwing's Sarcoma of Rib in a Four Year Old: A Case Report.
Although rare, the Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors represents the second most common primary bone malignancy that typically occurs in adolescents and young adults aged 10-25 years, presenting with localized pain and swelling of a long bone. We report a case of Ewing's sarcoma of rib in a four years old child that presented with acute onset of fever, cough, shortness of breath and was initially treated as pneumonia. Although the patient did not belong to typical demography and the symptoms were suggestive of infective pathology, careful scrutiny of the radiographic findings led to further investigations and diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma of rib after correlating computerized tomography scan findings with immunohistochemistry reports.
JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc · Oct 2021
Case ReportsRadical Cystectomy for Intradiverticular Bladder Carcinoma: A Case Report.
Herniation of bladder mucosa through the bladder wall muscle layer is known as bladder diverticulum. The incidence of bladder diverticulum is 1.7. About 0.8 to 10% of the urinary bladder diverticulum develops carcinoma. ⋯ High grade multifocal urothelial carcinoma in the bladder diverticulum is better managed by radical cystectomy and standard pelvic lymph node dissection with an ileal conduit. Here we report a case of a 66-year old gentleman of high grade multifocal urothelial carcinoma in bladder diverticulum managed with radical cystectomy and standard pelvic lymph node dissection with an ileal conduit. Such cases have been addressed adequately in the literature, but we did not find such cases from our country.
JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc · Oct 2021
Case ReportsPost Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiography Bilateral Loss of vision: A Case Report.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is an invasive endoscopic procedure done more often for therapeutic rather than diagnostic purposes. There are various complications of this procedure like pancreatitis, cholangitis, hemorrhage, perforation and other rare adverse events. ⋯ After the procedure she complained of bilateral loss of vision which was an unknown complication to us. But after looking back to literature we found two such case reports attributed to isolated bilateral lateral geniculate body infarct.