Academic radiology
Dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) offers various fields of application, especially in angiography using virtual monoenergetic imaging. The aim of this study was to evaluate objective image quality indices of calculated low-kiloelectron volt monoenergetic DECT angiographic cervical and cerebral data sets compared to virtual 120-kV polyenergetic images. ⋯ 60-keV monoenergetic image data significantly improve vessel attenuation and CNR of cervical and cerebral DECT angiographic studies. Future studies have to evaluate whether the technique can lead to an increased diagnostic accuracy or should be used for dose reduction of iodinated contrast material.
Cervical disc degeneration can result in nerve root compression and severe symptoms that significantly impair the patient's quality of life. The purpose of this study is to investigate multiple diffusion metrics changes in the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of cervical nerve roots and their relationship with the clinical severity of patients with cervical disc herniation. ⋯ DTI can potentially be used to assess microstructural abnormalities in the cervical nerve roots in patients with disc herniation.
The combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain with multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) has been proposed as a possible diagnostic tool. Goal of this investigation was to identify potential functional connectivity (FC) differences in the salience network (SN) and default mode network (DMN) between fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and controls (HC) and to evaluate the diagnostic applicability of derived pattern classification approaches. ⋯ Observed accuracies are not sufficient to reliably differentiate between FMS and RA for diagnostic purposes. However, some indirect evidence in support of the feasibility of this approach is provided. This exploratory analysis constitutes a fundamental model optimization effort to be based on in further investigations.
Chest radiographs are recommended for prevention and detection of pneumoconiosis. In 2011, the International Labour Office (ILO) released a revision of the International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses that included a digitized standard images set. The present study compared results of classifications of digital chest images performed using the new ILO 2011 digitized standard images to classification approaches used in the past. ⋯ These findings validate the use of the ILO digitized standard images for classification of small pneumoconiotic opacities. When digital chest radiographs are obtained and displayed appropriately, results of pneumoconiosis classifications using the 2011 ILO digitized standards are comparable to film-based ILO classifications and to classifications using earlier research standards.
Cerebral oxygen extraction, defined as the difference between arterial and venous oxygen saturations (SaO2 and SvO2), is a critical parameter for managing intensive care patients at risk for neurological collapse. Although quantification of SaO2 is easily performed with pulse oximetry or moderately invasive arterial blood draws in peripheral vessels, cerebral SvO2 is frequently not monitored because of the invasiveness and risk associated with obtaining jugular bulb or super vena cava (SVC) blood samples. ⋯ Respiration frequency-selected NIRS can noninvasively quantify cerebral SvO2. This bedside technique can be used to help assess brain health in neurologically unstable patients.