Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia
Multicenter Study
Efficacy of FEIBA for acute bleeding and surgical haemostasis in haemophilia A patients with inhibitors: a multicentre registry in Turkey.
Long used in established industrialized nations to treat patients with haemophilia and inhibitors, factor eight inhibitor bypassing activity (FEIBA) has, in recent years, been introduced into more geographically diverse settings. Data are needed on how successfully FEIBA therapy has been implemented in new regions. To determine the efficacy and safety of FEIBA for the treatment of acute bleeding and surgical haemostasis in a newly industrialized country. ⋯ The haemostatic efficacy rate of FEIBA in surgery was 86% (CI, 65-97%). No thromboembolic complications or other adverse events occurred during any treatment course. FEIBA has been successfully integrated into clinical practice in Turkey, with rates of haemostatic efficacy comparable to those reported in countries with a longer history of FEIBA usage.
The National Pain Study was a prospective, computer-based, descriptive survey of the pain experience of persons with a bleeding disorder conducted in the United States over a 28 month period from 2007 to 2009. The aim of this study was to (i) determine the language used by patients to describe and differentiate acute and persistent pain, (ii) describe pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies utilized to control pain, (iii) assess the perceived effectiveness of current pain management on quality of life and, (iv) to determine who provides pain management to this population. One thousand, one hundred and four surveys were received. Only the responses of the 764 respondents who reported having hemophilia A or B were evaluated for this paper. Thirty nine percent of participants reported their pain was not well treated. The average acute pain score associated with a bleed reported was 5.97/10 while the average persistent pain score reported was 4.22/10. The most frequently reported word descriptors for acute pain were: throbbing, aching, sharp, tender and miserable. The most frequently reported word descriptors for persistent pain were aching, nagging, tiring, sharp, and tender. The most frequently reported pain strategies for acute and persistent pain included factor, rest, ice, elevation, and compression. Alcohol and illicit drugs were reportedly used to manage both acute pain as well as persistent pain. Primarily, short-acting opioids and acetaminophen were reported to treat both acute and persistent pain. Hematologists and primary care providers provide the majority of pain management for persons with hemophilia (PWH). Quality of life (QOL) scores were lowest in the domains of pain, energy/fatigue and physical problems indicating disruption of QOL. This substantiates under-recognition and under-treatment of pain in the hemophilia population when combined with the 39% of respondents who felt their pain was not well treated and literature in the general pain population of wide spread under-treatment of pain. ⋯ The NPS is an initial step in recognizing the prevalence and description of pain in PWH. HTC providers should educate themselves in pain management techniques to better serve this population. Further research is necessary to develop specific pain management guidelines for the bleeding disorders population that include multimodal holistic treatment plans.
Severe factor V (FV) deficiency (parahaemophilia) is a rare congenital hemorrhagic disorder characterized by very low or undetectable plasma FV levels and bleeding phenotype ranging from mild to severe. We evaluated whole blood (WB) rotation thromboelastometry (ROTEM) in parahaemophilia patients and the contribution of intraplatelets FV, if any, to clot formation. Standard ROTEM(®) assays were performed in WB from nine parahaemophilia patients and 50 healthy controls. ⋯ In contrast, the addition of Plts-Pt or Plts-N to PPP-N had superimposable effects on both CT and MCF. In parahaemophilia patients, WB ROTEM(®) presents mainly with prolongation of CT and no relevant effect on MCF. Residual intraplatelets FV in parahaemophilia contributes significantly to thrombin generation as shown in artificially reconstituted PRP models.