Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS
J Int Neuropsychol Soc · Mar 2012
Performance monitoring and cognitive control in individuals with mild traumatic brain injury.
Literature suggests that individuals with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) show subtle abnormalities in the cognitive control process of performance monitoring. The neural bases of performance monitoring can be measured using the error-related negaitivity (ERN) and post-error positivity (Pe) components of the scalp-recorded event-related potential (ERP). Thirty-six individuals with mTBI and 46 demographically similar controls completed a modified color-naming Stroop task while ERPs were recorded. ⋯ Subgroup and correlational analyses with post-concussive symptoms and indices of injury severity were also not significant. Findings suggest comparable performance to non-injured individuals in some aspects of cognitive control in this sample. Neuropsychological implications and comparison with other cognitive control component processes in individuals with TBI are provided.
J Int Neuropsychol Soc · Nov 2011
Emotion labeling and socio-emotional outcomes 18 months after early childhood traumatic brain injury.
A growing body of literature has documented evidence for emotion labeling (EL) deficits after traumatic brain injury (TBI); however, long-term effects of TBI on EL abilities, particularly among young children, are unclear. We investigated EL abilities and socio-emotional outcomes in 32 children with moderate-severe TBI, 23 with complicated-mild TBI, and 82 children with orthopedic injuries (OI), shortly after injury and at 18 months post-injury. ⋯ Emotion labeling ability did not significantly contribute to the prediction of socio-emotional outcomes after controlling for pre-injury functioning. These results provide preliminary evidence of emerging EL deficits after early childhood TBI that are related to injury severity but that do not predict social and behavioral outcomes.
J Int Neuropsychol Soc · Nov 2011
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of working memory and response inhibition in children with mild traumatic brain injury.
The current pilot study examined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation in children with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) during tasks of working memory and inhibitory control, both of which are vulnerable to impairment following mTBI. Thirteen children with symptomatic mTBI and a group of controls completed a version of the Tasks of Executive Control (TEC) during fMRI scanning. Both groups showed greater prefrontal activation in response to increased working memory load. ⋯ Likewise, cognitive testing did not correlate significantly with imaging results, whereas increased report of post-concussive symptoms were correlated with increased cerebellar activation. Overall, results provide some evidence for the utility of symptom report as an indicator of recovery and the hypothesis that children with mTBI may experience disrupted neural circuitry during recovery. Limitations of the study included a small sample size, wide age range, and lack of in-scanner accuracy data.
J Int Neuropsychol Soc · Sep 2011
The temporal relationship between depression, anxiety, and functional status after traumatic brain injury: a cross-lagged analysis.
Poor functional status and high rates of anxiety and depression have been reported in individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, it is unclear whether psychiatric disorders after TBI are a cause or a consequence of functional limitations. The current study aimed to investigate the temporal relationship between anxiety, depression and functional impairment following TBI. ⋯ Anxiety and depression, in turn, were not predictive of later functional status. This study adds to our understanding of the temporal relationship between depression, anxiety and functional status after TBI. The results indicate the importance of supporting brain injured individuals in coping with the functional consequences of their injury in order promote psychological well-being.
J Int Neuropsychol Soc · Sep 2011
Comparative StudySelf-awareness of motor dysfunction in patients with Huntington's disease in comparison to Parkinson's disease and cervical dystonia.
Individuals suffering from Huntington's disease (HD) have been shown to present with poor self-awareness of a variety of symptoms. The aim of this study was to better assess the self-awareness of motor symptoms and activities of daily living (ADL) impairment in HD, in comparison to Parkinson's disease (PD) and cervical dystonia (CD). In particular, the anosognosia/anosodiaphoria of involuntary movements has been investigated. ⋯ Our results indicate that self-awareness of choreic movements was affected more severely in HD than in PDdys, despite comparable cognitive status. Patient-proxy agreement on ADL impairment was roughly similar in all clinical groups. The results are discussed in the context of orbitofrontal-limbic pathology as a potential trigger of anosognosia/anosodiaphoria in individuals with HD.