The breast journal
Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death among women worldwide, with case fatality rates highest in low-resource countries. Despite significant scientific advances in its management, most of the world faces resource constraints that limit the capacity to improve early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. The Breast Health Global Initiative (BHGI) strives to develop evidence-based, economically feasible, and culturally appropriate guidelines that can be used in nations with limited health care resources to improve breast cancer outcomes. ⋯ Chemotherapy, which requires some allocation of resources and infrastructure, is needed to treat node-positive, locally advanced breast cancers, which represent the most common clinical presentation of disease in low-resource countries. When chemotherapy is not available, patients with locally advanced, hormone receptor-negative cancers can only receive palliative therapy. Future research is needed to better determine how these guidelines can best be implemented in limited-resource settings.
Whether cosmetically acceptable tumor-free (>/=2 mm) surgical margins reduce the local-regional recurrence risk for patients treated with fractionated radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapy is unknown. The benefit of a minimum cosmetically acceptable tumor-free margin remains speculative because no contemporary studies have investigated the extent of invasive disease infiltration within the breast beyond the primary tumor. To address these clinical issues, we conducted a retrospective study of 341 women diagnosed with stage I or II invasive breast cancer to determine the rate of local in-breast, elsewhere in-breast, and ipsilateral regional lymph node recurrences of breast cancer after conservation surgery achieving either tumor-free (>or=2 mm) or close (>0 mm to <2 mm) surgical margins followed by whole breast radiation therapy over a 6-year period from January 1996 to December 2002. ⋯ Multivariate analyses identified negative estrogen receptor expression (p=0.004), close surgical margins (p=0.012), and the presence of angiolymphatic invasion (p=0.040) as prognostic factors for local-regional recurrences. Microscopically the extent of invasive disease infiltration beyond the primary tumor was on average 1 mm, with all measured invasive disease less than 1 cm. Based on our findings, cosmetically acceptable tumor-free (>or=2 mm) surgical margins significantly reduce local in-breast and regional lymph node recurrences with fractionated radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapy.
Practice Guideline
Breast cancer in limited-resource countries: health care systems and public policy.
As the largest cancer killer of women around the globe, breast cancer adversely impacts countries at all levels of economic development. Despite major advances in the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer, health care ministries face multitiered challenges to create and support health care programs that can improve breast cancer outcomes. In addition to the financial and organizational problems inherent in any health care system, breast health programs are hindered by a lack of recognition of cancer as a public health priority, trained health care personnel shortages and migration, public and health care provider educational deficits, and social barriers that impede patient entry into early detection and cancer treatment programs. ⋯ The Breast Health Global Initiative (BHGI) Health Care Systems and Public Policy Panel defined a stratified framework outlining recommended breast health care interventions for each of four incremental levels of resources (basic, limited, enhanced, and maximal). Reallocation of existing resources and integration of a breast health care program with existing programs and infrastructure can potentially improve outcomes in a cost-sensitive manner. This adaptable framework can be used as a tool by policymakers for program planning and research design to make best use of available resources to improve breast health care in a given limited-resource setting.
While sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) has virtually replaced axillary dissection as the initial diagnostic procedure for invasive breast cancer, the role of SLNB in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to review our experience with SLNB in DCIS. All patients with DCIS or DCIS with microinvasion (DCISM) who underwent SLNB from June 1997 to April 2002 at the University of Florida were included for analysis. ⋯ Four (80%) of the five patients with extensive DCIS and a positive sentinel node were ultimately determined to have invasive or microinvasive disease. While SLNB remains controversial in DCIS, our data suggest that patients with extensive DCIS should undergo SLNB at the initial procedure to avoid the need for a second operation. Data from clinical trials are needed to determine the impact of SLNB results on overall survival in patients with DCIS.