Experimental neurology
Experimental neurology · Nov 2004
Neuroprotection in the rat lateral fluid percussion model of traumatic brain injury by SNX-185, an N-type voltage-gated calcium channel blocker.
Overload of intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) following traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of neuronal injury and death. Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) provide one of the major sources of Ca(2+) entry into cells. Therefore, the potential neuroprotective activity of SNX-185, a specific N-type VGCC blocker, was tested in rats using the lateral fluid percussion (LFP) model of TBI. ⋯ Direct injection of SNX-185 into the CA2-3 region of the hippocampus reduced neuronal injury 24 h after TBI and increased neuronal survival at 42 days at each of the three drug concentrations. Behavioral outcome in both the beam walk and Morris water maze were also improved by SNX-185, with 100 and 200 pmol, but not 50 pmol SNX-185 providing neuroprotection. These data support previous studies demonstrating substantial neuroprotection after TBI by treatment with N-type VGCC blockers.
Experimental neurology · Nov 2004
Combination therapy of moderate hypothermia and thrombolysis in experimental thromboembolic stroke--an MRI study.
Thrombolysis (T) is limited by reperfusion-associated injury and the short therapeutic window after stroke onset. The present study investigates whether hypothermia alone or in combination with thrombolysis has beneficial effects after experimental thromboembolic stroke. Wistar rats (n = 60) were subjected to thromboembolic occlusion (TE) of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). ⋯ These data indicate that hypothermia improves survival and decreases infarct volume. However, there were no significant differences between the use of rt-PA alone or in combination with hypothermia. Further studies are needed to confirm these effects, also several days after stroke onset.
Experimental neurology · Nov 2004
Impaired axonal transport and altered axolemmal permeability occur in distinct populations of damaged axons following traumatic brain injury.
Traumatic axonal injury (TAI) evolves within minutes to hours following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Previous studies have identified axolemmal disruption and impaired axonal transport (AxT) as key mechanisms in the evolution of TAI. While initially hypothesized that axolemmal disruption culminates in impaired AxT, previous studies employed single-label methodologies that did not allow for a full determination of the spatial-temporal relationships of these two events. ⋯ These studies confirm that axolemmal disruption and impaired AxT occur as distinct non-related events early in the pathogenesis of TAI. Further, these studies provide evidence that the process of impaired axonal transport and subsequent axonal disconnection leads to delayed axolemmal instability, rather than proceeding as a consequence of initial axolemmal failure. This finding underscores the need of multiple approaches to fully assess the axonal response to TBI.
Experimental neurology · Oct 2004
Progesterone and allopregnanolone reduce inflammatory cytokines after traumatic brain injury.
Following a traumatic brain injury (TBI), the excessive release of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a major cause of cerebral edema, which, in turn, can cause permanent neuronal loss and cognitive deficits in laboratory rats. This study examined the changes in expression of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1beta and TNF-alpha after progesterone (8 mg/kg) or allopregnanolone (4 mg/kg) treatment in brain-injured rats at 3, 8, and 12 h and 6 days post-injury. Adult male rats received either bilateral prefrontal cortical contusion or sham surgery. ⋯ At 8 and 12 h post-injury, IL-1beta and TNF-alpha gene expression in injured rats was still elevated compared to shams. By the sixth day post-injury, cytokine expression was back to the level of intact rats. We conclude that progesterone and allopregnanolone may attenuate the production of proinflammatory cytokines early after TBI, and this may be one mechanism by which progesterone and allopregnanolone reduce cerebral edema and promote functional recovery from TBI.
Experimental neurology · Oct 2004
A neuroprotective role of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor following moderate spinal cord contusion injury.
The present study investigated neuroprotective effects of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), a distant member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily, following moderate contusive spinal cord injury (SCI) in adult rats. A T11 spinal cord contusion injury was made using an Infinite Horizon impactor (IH; impact force=150 kDyn) and recombinant human GDNF at two concentrations (rhGDNF; 1 or 5 microg/microl), or saline vehicle was delivered intrathecally for 28 days using an Alzet miniosmotic pump. We demonstrated that, at 7 weeks postinjury, GDNF infusion significantly reduced the total lesion volume by 34-42% (assessed stereologically) and increased the percentage of white matter sparing by 10-13% (measured at the injury epicenter), as compared to the vehicle infusion. ⋯ However, transcranial magnetic motor-evoked potential (tcMMEP) assessment revealed no significant difference in onset latency and amplitude between the GDNF- and vehicle-infused groups. These results suggest that GDNF has a strong neuroprotective effect on white matter sparing and the sparing of a subset of proprio- and supraspinal axons following injury. However, a return of tcMMEPs requires the sparing and/or myelination of axons in a defined region of the white matter which was either not spared or remyelinated at this level of injury severity.