Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes : official journal, German Society of Endocrinology [and] German Diabetes Association
Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes · Jul 2011
Comparative StudyMortality after hip fracture in diabetic patients.
Type 2 diabetic patients have an increased incidence of hip fracture. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the mortality rate after hip fracture and determine the predictors of mortality in diabetic patients. ⋯ Diabetic patients have an increased risk of mortality after hip fracture. The medical care in the post-operative period, including glycemic control and postoperative complications, should be optimized in diabetic patients suffering from hip fracture in order to decrease mortality in these patients.
Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes · Jun 2011
RAGE-dependent regulation of calcium-binding proteins S100A8 and S100A9 in human THP-1.
Proinflammatory cell activation via the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) pathway may play a central pathogenetic role in atherosclerosis. Since S100A8/A9 was recently identified as ligand of RAGE, we determined the effects of proinflammatory cytokines on RAGE-mediated induction of gene expression of S100A8 and S100A9. mRNA levels of S100A8 and S100A9 were upregulated following cytokine stimulation with IL-6 (1, 10, 100 ng/ml) or TNFα (10 ng/ml) in human THP-1 cells. Preincubation of cells with 2000 ng/ml AGE (advanced glycation end products) before cytokine stimulation resulted in upregulation of RAGE. ⋯ Normal mouse IgG served as control. Cytokine-stimulated induction of S100A8 and S100A9 mRNA levels as well as of S100A8/A9 release after preincubation of cells with AGE were significantly suppressed by RAGE blockade, indicating a RAGE-dependent pathway of AGE-mediated S100A8/A9 expression. The cytokine-induced potentiated S100A8 and S100A9 expression under conditions with a high AGE burden is able to aggravate proinflammatory conditions via activation of the RAGE pathway.
Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes · May 2011
Clinical TrialOctreotide lar affects the volume of pituitary adenoma in acromegalic patients.
We studied changes of pituitary adenoma volumes in patients treated with octreotide LAR (SSLAR) over 12 months prior to surgery. ⋯ Treatment of acromegalic patients with somatostatin analogues not only decreases the concentration of hGH and IGF-1, but also appears to decrease the size of the tumour in about 50% of patients treated, leading to general enhancement of the outcome of surgery.
Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes · Apr 2011
Comparative StudyHigh prevalence of prolonged QT interval duration in male patients with Cushing's disease.
Hypogonadal males have recently been shown to present prolonged QT interval, an electrocardiographic measure indicative of risk for fatal cardiac arrhythmias. Excess cortisol secretion induces low testosterone levels in male patients with Cushing's disease but no study has yet evaluated if this is accompanied by changes in QT interval duration. We therefore decided to evaluate whether male patients with Cushing's disease present changes in QT interval duration. QT interval was measured in electrocardiographic readings from 19 men and 35 women with Cushing's disease and age- and sex-matched controls were used for comparison. QT interval was corrected for heart rate according to Bazett's formula (QTc) and QTc >440 msec and >460 msec were taken as indicative of increased risk for torsade de pointes in men and women, respectively. Mean QTc was significantly longer in male patients compared with healthy controls (426.9±9.27 vs. 389.7±8.31, p<0.05) and 5 men with Cushing's disease presented prolonged QTc (prevalence 26%). By comparison, none of the women with Cushing's disease presented prolonged QTc. Hypokalemia and low testosterone appeared associated with long QTc. ⋯ Male patients with Cushing's disease present prolongation of QT interval which may lead to measurements associated with high risk for ventricular arrhythmias. Both low testosterone levels and hypokalemia appear to contribute to long QT in men with Cushing's disease.
Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes · Jan 2011
The German database on hypopituitarism after traumatic brain injury and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage - description, objectives and design.
Within the last years, a number of clinical studies have addressed the topic of hypothalamo-pituitary dysfunction following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Clinical studies oftentimes reflect the investigation of highly selective patient groups, very standardized test procedures and may be influenced by a publication bias. Epidemiological data on the prevalence and incidence of hypopituitarism after TBI and SAH in the general population still do not exist. ⋯ Within this database, a large scope of very detailed, clinical, endocrine and outcome information is collected. It also offers the possibility of long-term follow up of the recorded patients. This is the first report of the registry describing goals, organization, methodology, funding and the descriptive data of the first 1,242 patients entered until November 20th, 2008.