The European journal of general practice
The global health workforce suffers long-term understaffing in remote and underserved areas. To attract young doctors for rural work, it is necessary to identify the main motivating factors. ⋯ To what extent can the survey outcomes relate with other European regions needs to be investigated further.
Previous studies show an association between a history of abuse and higher care demand. However, studies in general practice regarding help-seeking behaviour by patients (mainly male patients) with a history of abuse are scarce. ⋯ Compared to men and women without a history of abuse, men and women with a history of abuse visit their GP more often, particularly for psychological and social problems.
Fibromyalgia is a functional syndrome. Despite recent findings, there is still considerable uncertainty about its diagnostic process. ⋯ In our interviews, a good doctor-patient relationship and continuity of care were necessary, as were the physician's attitude and knowledge of fibromyalgia. Our findings also suggest avoiding repeated or unnecessary rule-out tests and the overdiagnosis of psychiatric disorders is necessary.
This article, the fifth in a series aiming to provide practical guidance for qualitative research in primary care, introduces three qualitative approaches with co-creative characteristics for addressing emerging themes in primary care research: experience-based co-design, user-centred design and community-based participatory research. Co-creation aims to define the (research) problem, develop and implement interventions and evaluate and define (research and practice) outcomes in partnership with patients, family carers, researchers, care professionals and other relevant stakeholders. Experience-based co-design seeks to understand how people experience a health care process or service. ⋯ It is often directed at hard-to-reach and vulnerable people. We address the context, what, why, when and how of these co-creative approaches, and their main practical and methodological challenges. We provide examples of empirical studies using these approaches and sources for further reading.