Annals of internal medicine
Observational Study
Acute Illness Associated With Cannabis Use, by Route of Exposure: An Observational Study.
Little is known about the relative harms of edible and inhalable cannabis products. ⋯ Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Guideline development requires the synthesis of evidence on several treatments of interest, typically by using network meta-analysis (NMA). Because treatment effects may be estimated imprecisely or be based on evidence lacking internal or external validity, guideline developers must assess the robustness of recommendations made on the basis of the NMA to potential limitations in the evidence. Such limitations arise because the observed estimates differ from the true effects of interest, for example, because of study biases, sampling variation, or issues of relevance. ⋯ Threshold analysis quantifies precisely how much the evidence could change (for any reason, such as potential biases, or simply sampling variation) before the recommendation changes, and what the revised recommendation would be. If it is judged that the evidence could not plausibly change by more than this amount, then the recommendation is considered robust; otherwise, it is sensitive to plausible changes in the evidence. In this manner, threshold analysis directly informs decision makers and guideline developers of the robustness of treatment recommendations.
Practice Guideline
Screening for Breast Cancer in Average-Risk Women: A Guidance Statement From the American College of Physicians.
The purpose of this guidance statement is to provide advice to clinicians on breast cancer screening in average-risk women based on a review of existing guidelines and the evidence they include. ⋯ In average-risk women of all ages, clinicians should not use clinical breast examination to screen for breast cancer.