Journal of evaluation in clinical practice
Recent surveys have uncovered major variations in key aspects of intercostal drain management, suggesting that decisions are being made on individual preferences without resorting to sound evidence. We provide an up-to-date review of the best practice with evidence-based recommendations and expert consensus views. ⋯ The emphasis in this review is that safe intercostal drain practice relies upon adherence to a few important principles. Furthermore, when in doubt, particularly with a complex thoracic problem, one should seek prompt specialist advice.
Although clinical practice guidelines have been promoted widely, there is considerable concern that physicians have not incorporated them into their practice. Models suggest that a 'knowledge-attitude-behaviour' sequence is important in modifying physician practice patterns. To address this, we examined physicians' knowledge of, attitudes towards and compliance with a widely implemented guideline - the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) smoking cessation guideline. ⋯ In spite of little familiarity with the guideline, the responding physicians reported practice patterns consistent with adherence to it. Knowledge is only one of a spectrum of barriers that affects physician adherence to guidelines. There are numerous opportunities for health care organizations to overcome the barriers to physician adoption of clinical practice guidelines in their day-to-day practice.
Increasingly, clinical research is evaluated on the quality of its statistical analysis. Traditionally, statistical analyses in clinical research have been carried out from a 'frequentist' perspective. The presence of an alternative paradigm - the Bayesian paradigm - has been relatively unknown in clinical research until recently. ⋯ In some analyses, the two methods are seen to produce comparable results; in others, they produce different results. It is noted that in this example, there are clinically relevant questions that are more easily addressed from a Bayesian perspective. Finally, areas in clinical research where Bayesian ideas are increasingly common are highlighted.
Reliability and validity of the SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire was assessed in older rehabilitation patients, comparing cognitively impaired with cognitively normal subjects. The SF-36 was administered by face-to-face interview to 314 patients (58-93 years) in the day hospital and rehabilitation wards of a department of medicine for the elderly. Reliability was measured using Cronbach's alpha (for internal consistency) on the main sample and intraclass correlation coefficients on a test-retest sample; correlations with functional independence measure (FIM) were examined to assess validity. ⋯ Only the physical function dimension in the cognitively normal group attained the criterion level (r > 0.4) for construct validity when correlated with the FIM. In this group of older physically disabled patients, levels of reliability and validity previously reported for the SF-36 in younger subjects were not attained, even on face-to-face testing. Patients with coexistent cognitive impairment performed worse than those who were cognitively normal.
The objectives of this study were to describe ways in which doctors make suboptimal diagnostic and treatment decisions, and to discuss possible means of alleviating those biases, using a review of past studies from the psychological and medical decision-making literatures. A number of biases can affect the ways in which doctors gather and use evidence in making diagnoses. Biases also exist in how doctors make treatment decisions once a definitive diagnosis has been made. ⋯ None the less, they can have potentially grave consequences in medical settings, such as erroneous diagnosis or patient mismanagement. No surefire methods exist for eliminating biases in medical decision making, but there is some evidence that the adoption of an evidence-based medicine approach or the incorporation of formal decision analytic tools can improve the quality of doctors' reasoning. Doctors' reasoning is vulnerable to a number of biases that can lead to errors in diagnosis and treatment, but there are positive signs that means for alleviating some of these biases are available.