Brain research
Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients may suffer from optic disturbances. Toxin-induced demyelinations have frequently been developed to investigate the cellular and structural aspects of demyelination and remyelination processes, separately. The present study describes functional consequence of lysolecithin (LPC)-induced lesion in the adult rat optic nerves and chiasm by recording the visual evoked potentials (VEPs) from the visual cortex and its correlation with myelin basic protein (MBP) expression in lesion site. ⋯ Results of the present paper show that, LPC injection in the chiasm share functional and molecular alterations which are found in demyelinating disorders in both the optic nerves and chiasm and also these alterations were coming back to level of control animal on 28 days post lesion, which is typically seen in myelin repair process. The present paper provides new insights into the experimental toxin-induced models that may be useful for evaluating the functional recovery of demyelinated optic nerves and chiasm following various repairing strategies. It also seems to be useful for studying the protective or remyelinating effects of different therapies in e.g. optic apparatus which is more affected by MS.
The Dorsomedial Nucleus of the Hypothalamus (DMH) is known to play important roles in ingestive behavior and body weight homeostasis. The DMH contains neurons expressing Neuropeptide Y (NPY) during specific physiological conditions of hyperphagia and obesity, however, the role of DMH-NPY neurons has yet to be characterized. In contrast to the DMH-NPY neurons, NPY expressing neurons have been best characterized in the Arcuate Nucleus of the Hypothalamus (ARH). ⋯ DMH-NPY neurons expressed Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) 65 and 67, suggesting that they may be GABAergic, similar to ARH-NPY neurons. While ARH-NPY neurons expressed leptin receptor (ObRb) and displayed the activation of STAT3 in response to leptin administration, DMH-NPY neurons showed neither. These findings strongly suggest that DMH-NPY neurons could play a distinct role in the control of energy homeostasis and are differentially regulated from ARH-NPY neurons through afferent inputs and transcriptional regulators.
We tested the effects of mouse embryonic stem cells (mES) grafts in mice spinal cord injury (SCI). Young adult female C57/Bl6 mice were subjected to laminectomy at T9 and 1-minute compression of the spinal cord with a vascular clip. Four groups were analyzed: laminectomy (Sham), injured (SCI), vehicle (DMEM), and mES-treated (EST). mES pre-differentiated with retinoic acid were injected (8 x 10(5) cells/2 microl) into the lesion epicenter, 10 min after SCI. ⋯ Immunohistochemical revealed the differentiation of transplanted cells into astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells, indicating an integration of transplanted cells with host tissue. Ultrastructural analysis showed, in the EST group, better tissue preservation and more remyelination by oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells than the other groups. Our results indicate that acute transplantation of predifferentiated mES into the injured spinal cord increased the spared white matter and number of nerve fibers, improving locomotor function.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Brain polarization of parietal cortex augments training-induced improvement of visual exploratory and attentional skills.
Recent evidence suggests that behavioural gains induced by behavioural training are maximized when combined with techniques of cortical neuromodulation, such as transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). Here we address the validity of this appealing approach by investigating the effect of coupling a multisensory visual field exploration training with tDCS of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC). The multisensory visual field exploration training consisted in the practice of visual search through the systematic audio-visual stimulation of the visual field. ⋯ In addition, right PPC tDCS brings about an improvement of covert visual orienting, in a task different from the visual search practice. In an additional experiment, we confirm that right parietal tDCS by itself, even without the associated training, can lead to enhancement of visual search. Overall, anodal PPC tDCS is a promising technique to enhance visuo-spatial abilities, when combined to a visual field exploration training task.
Although the etiology of autism is unclear, disruptions of the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems have been associated with the disorder. Based on behavioral differences observed in the BALB/c strain of mice in comparison to other strains, notably, C57BL/6J mice, it has been suggested that the BALB/c strain may serve as an animal model of autism. However, to date, most work investigating neural and behavioral abnormalities in this strain has been performed in adult animals. ⋯ Levels of dopamine, serotonin, and their metabolites in several different brain regions and at three ages during development were measured. Alterations in both monoaminergic systems associated with age and strain were detected across brain regions indicating that there are neurochemical differences between these strains early in life. However, despite these differences in the development of brain monoaminergic systems, it remains difficult to declare this strain as a valid model of autism.