Brain research
Paradoxical heat sensations during cooling of the skin were examined in two experiments. In Expt. I the number of occurrences of sensation was studied in 19 naive test subjects (Ss) when cooling from thermal indifference both without and with preceding heating. ⋯ II the effects of cooling velocity (velocities 0.4, 0.7 and 2.0 degrees C/s) and the type of skin area stimulated (hairy or glabrous skin of the hand) on the thresholds of paradoxical sensations were studied in 4 Ss without and with preheating. Cooling velocity, type of skin area and preheating had significant effects on the sensation thresholds, the thresholds being the higher (i.e. the sensation appearing at lower stimulation temperatures) the higher the cooling velocity, if the stimuli were applied to the glabrous skin, or if no preheating was used. The results confirm the existence of paradoxical heat sensations during cooling of the skin and suggest that the sensation is mediated by polymodal units supplied by C-fibers.
Comparative Study
Opiate vs non-opiate footshock-induced analgesia (FSIA): the body region shocked is a critical factor.
Previous work has demonstrated that footshock can elicit either opiate or non-opiate analgesia. The present study has demonstrated that one critical factor determining the involvement of endogenous opioids is the body region shocked. Using 90 s shock, front paw shock produced an opiate analgesia which was significantly antagonized by as little as 0.1 mg/kg systemic naloxone and morphine tolerance. ⋯ In contrast, hind paw shock produced a non-opiate analgesia which failed to be attenuated by 20 mg/kg systemic naloxone and showed no cross-tolerance to morphine. Since identical shock parameters were used for front paw and hind paw shock in the systemic naloxone experiments, stress per se clearly cannot be the crucial factor determining the involvement of endogenous opioids in footshock-induced analgesia. These results were discussed with respect to clinical treatments of pain which utilize somatosensory stimulation.
Capsaicin applied to peripheral nerve inhibits axoplasmic transport of substance P and somatostatin.
Capsaicin was applied locally to the sciatic or saphenous nerve, and the effects on axoplasmic transport, neurogenic plasma extravasation, and thermal pain were studied. Capsaicin (10 mg/ml) led to a complete block of axoplasmic transport of immunoreactive substance P (I-SP) and somatostatin (I-SRIF) in rat sciatic nerve without affecting the transport of noradrenaline or acetylcholinesterase. Inhibition of I-SP transport was also found in sciatic nerves of guinea-pig, cat and rabbit. ⋯ The response to noxious heat (hot plate test) was, however, abolished earlier. These results indicate that capsaicin applied to a peripheral nerve inhibits axoplasmic transport in sensory but not in adrenergic or cholinergic neurons, which leads to long-term biochemical and functional changes of the entire sensory neuron. In addition, capsaicin appears to inhibit impulse propagation in certain populations of sensory neurons.
The involvement of serotonergic mechanisms in diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC) acting on dorsal horn convergent neurones has been studied in the anaesthetized rat. 35 neurones activated by transcutaneous electrical stimulation of their hindpaw receptive fields giving clear large A-fibre and C-fibre responses were recorded. These activities were conditioned by DNIC, evoked by either noxious heat applied to the tail or noxious pinch of the nose. ⋯ These results indicate an important role for descending serotonergic pathways in DNIC. The functional role of this system is discussed.